2021年 5月 15日 – 2021年 5月 25日Curtain
Active from 2020 - 2022, CURTAIN was a long term research project, which articulated through a series of exhibitions, discursive platforms and cross-institutional collaborations. Seeking to go beyond the fixed definition of an exhibition, the project looks to expand the dialogue with artists through the gathering of critical thinkers and practitioners from other social and cultural fields. The concept of CURTAIN retains many manifold meanings and forms of engagement with the public. A curtain can be both a material and immaterial device shimmering between various stages and ways to gather around a collective performance.
By embracing the manifold meaning of CURTAIN, the project was articulated through thematic “satellites”. Each satellite emphasize a distinct research arc and entry point to convene and collaborate within this ambitious platform:
CURTAIN 1: Re-enacted the Visible and the Invisible
Re-traced historical memories and future paths for art, architecture, pedagogical models by exploring issues related to what was visible or invisible in technological platforms and social structures at that time.
CURTAIN 2: Alternatives to Imperialism
Looked at alternative models proposed by smaller-scale ecologies and cultures at the periphery to the dominant systems as inspiration for future change. This exploration helped us understand the interdependence of different localities and the infrastructures that connected them together, but also the importance of transnational exchange from these overlooked perspectives.
CURTAIN 3: Concealment/Destruction/and the Unveiling of an Image
We explored the mutability of the curtain as a concept that undertook different interactions as a physical divide to more fluid interpretations: from wall to water, light to shadow, fabric to screen. In order to understand the fragile condition that informed our temporal experience with images, it was also important to consider the invisible relationships that influenced the possibilities and limits of how an institution could function.
CURTAIN 4: Misidentified the Self and Other
This research extended our inquiry into how we understood and conceptualized what was different and Other to us. We looked at this performative relationship between individual and collective forms of identity to challenge the confines of how subjectivity was expressed through different narrative and spatial structures.