Benjamin Foster-Baldenius, Florian Stirnemann
Shanghai Biennale 2012 Special Lecture:
Raumlaborberlin – Acting in Public
Address: 101 Ascendas Cross Tower,Fu Zhou Lu 318,
Eingang / Entrance: Shandong Zhong Lu
Speakers: Benjamin Förster-Baldenius (Raumlaborberlin)
Florian Stirnemann (Raumlaborberlin)
Languages: German/Chinese
Organizer: Goethe-Institut China & The Organizing Committee of Shanghai Biennale
Official Partner: Rockbund Art Museum
* Please email to for reservation. (Sorry to tell you that this event has been fully booked. )
In 2012, the Shanghai Biennial will establish so called “city pavilions” for the first time and invited the Goethe-Institut China to curate the Berlin-Pavilion.
Raumlaborberlin which since 1999 works on the borders of architecture, art and urbanism, will put this project into action. Interdisciplinary working teams will explore new strategies for urban restructuring. Contrary to the city of perimeter and exclusion, Raumlabor is searching for a city of opportunities. For them, architecture is a lab for experimental, collaborative, passionate operating in an urban environment. Therefore, building is not to be understood as a working process on an object, but rather as the development of a narrative which becomes part of a location.
Within the scope of their lecture, Mr. Benjamin Förster-Baldenius and Mr. Florian Stirnemann from raumlaborberlin will present past projects and have discussions with the audience.
As the official partner of Shanghai Biennale 2012, Rockbund Art Museum warmly invites you to attend this lecture.
主办:歌德学院(中国) & 上海双年展组委会
活动地址:黄浦区福州路318 号(正门位于山东中路)腾飞浦汇大厦(原高腾大厦)101 室
2012年第九届上海双年展将首次设立“城市馆”,歌德学院(中国)将应邀策划柏林城市馆,项目的具体实现将由“柏林空间实验室”进行。自1999年以来,“柏林空间实验室”就致力于打破建筑、艺术和城市化之间的界限,由跨学科的创作团队提出城市改建的策略和方案。“柏林空间实验室”所追求的绝非界限分明的城市,而是充满无穷可能的城市,在他们的实践中,建筑就是城市空间内合作与激情创想的实验室。建筑也就不仅仅是对物体的加工,而更是一种叙事的发展,而这一叙述恰恰将成为城市的一部分。在此次的讲座活动中,来自“柏林空间实验室”的本雅明•弗尔斯特(Benjamin Förster-Baldenius)和弗洛里安•施蒂尔纳曼(Florian Stirnemann)先生将对他们之前的项目进行介绍,并与观众展开讨论。作为本次上海双年展的合作伙伴,上海外滩美术馆诚邀您参加本次讲座活动。