With contributions by architects, academics, artists and activists Progress & Prosperity is a powerful and timely book, edited by Daan Roggeveen. It questions, investigates and reveals the current condition of the (Chinese) megacity and its shift from prosperity to progress.
Provocative yet intelligent essays, and reflective interviews tell a new understanding of the 21st century urban condition: globalized and gentrified, using spatial zoning, financialization, culture, and the virtual to safeguard its position on the global stage. We will launch this new book with an energizing program and four of its contributors in Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai.
The panel will question if China is indeed focusing on the so-called "soft side" of its urban development. What is the role of cultural buildings in place-making and city branding? What is the relationship between cultural institutions and their buildings? And what role play real estate developers in this?
通过建筑师,学者,艺术家和活动策划者们的共同努力,《进步与繁荣》得以出版。这是一本具有极大张力和符合时代背景的著作,由 Daan Roggeveen 创作完成。书中质疑、调查并揭示了(中国)特大城市的现状以及如何从过往的繁荣过渡到新发展的时代进程。