Sarah Tse
Art Topics Lecture Series: Making a drawing from people's personal stories
Language: Chinese
Admission Free. Reservation is required.
From lead tip flow images of tiny square robots, towering stacks of teacups, innocent woodland creatures, and sensuously blooming roses. These childhood images reside for a fleeting moment on a plaster wall before they are whitewashed over for the sake of a new pencil drawn project.
These transitory sketches of youth are the work of Sarah Tse, who is of Hong Kong origin. After graduating from Central Saint Martins College in 2009, she has been exhibiting in London, Manchester, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Taipei, Hong Kong and other cities. This year, Sarah has also been awarded by Perspective Magazine as the winner of ’40 Under 40’, one of the outstanding artists under the age of 40 in Asia.
大和小,软和硬,自然与科技,以前与现在,天真与成熟,都呈现在同一个空间。这些图像浮现一种怀旧、永恒但不安的情愫,不断改变者观者诠释世界与时空的方式 。幻想与幻灭仅在一线之隔,这种落差被活跃于伦敦的香港当代艺术家谢敏行用铅笔捕捉起来,成为一幅幅令人惊艳的画作。
谢敏行(Sarah)于2009年毕业于伦敦中央圣马丁美术及设计学院,并已参与逾18次美术展览,足迹遍及伦敦、曼彻斯特、上海、北京、东京、台北及其它城市。 最近,敏行更被透视杂志颁发2011年度「40骄子」,代表亚洲40岁以下最具潜质的艺术家之一。