Hiroshi Ohashi, Zhao Chuan
Grass Stage Social Theatre Forum No.15: the Theatre of Asia meets Asia
Speaker: Hiroshi Ohashi
Curated by Zhao Chuan
Language: English with Chinese Translation
Asia meets Asia is a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) aiming to promote international cultural exchange through performing arts across Asia. It was launched in 1997 by concerned artists themselves in Tokyo. AMA has been organizing six contemporary theatre festivals which consisted of theatre performances, workshops, and symposiums, and has also created nine collaborative works with Asian contemporary artists met in the festivals. So far, AMA has invited artists from nineteen different countries across the whole of Asia, including India, Bangladesh, Kirgizstan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraqi, Syria, China and Japan etc. This year AMA'll make the performance of Luxun, A Madman's Diary and Unbearable Dreams 6: Hope in Tokyo, Taibei, Hongkong and Bangalore. (Luxun, A Madman's Diarywas premiered in Shanghai in collaboration with Grass Stage in 2008).
It seems that peoples’ relationships in Asia have been getting rather distant or weaker because of various cracks and conflicts in the region whilst we enjoy economic growth and gain more political power. Under such circumstances, AMA strongly hopes to contribute to the process of peace-building in Asia, promoting people’s mutual understanding beyond ethnicity, religion and culture through building grass-rooted cultural networks; and expects rich cultural exchanges with local artists and audiences, and to explore and share new perspectives together in the age of globalization after the era of western-centered colonialism. AMA's activities and its achievements have been well-received and highly evaluated by various sectors, deepening the quality of cultural exchange and mutual understanding.
About Hiroshi Ohashi
In 1978 he founded Waseda Shin Gekijo Theater and became its artistic director. He has produced and directed 20 theater works in unconventional performance spaces that include tents, abandoned houses, and music clubs. His deconstructions of the texts of Shakespeare, Cervantes, Wilde, and Beckett created a new stage experience--full of irrational laughter and madness combined with a sharp critical perspective.
In 1986 he founded DA-M. He refused to use existing texts and present the theme of the play, but rather constructed theatrical piece with fragments of movements, voices and words constructionally in aim to developing new, theatrical power that confronts contemporary questions. Since 1995 he has been working on deepening improvisational work and creating a new structure of improvisational theatre, while participating in several International theater festivals abroad. He presents on stage shaky existences of our pure life that would never be a part of consumer system of big cities. Through these works he is developing a yet unknown theatrical power that merges primitiveness and modernness beyond a border.
Since 1997 he has organized Asia Meets Asia international theater projects in Tokyo. Started from 2008, he worked in collaboration with Shanghai based Grass Stage in many works.
主讲:大桥宏 Hiroshi Ohashi
“亚洲相遇”(Asia meets Asia)是始于1997年的非赢利性项目,致力于通过表演艺术和巡演推动国际文化交流。AMA已经组织了6次当代剧场戏剧节,与亚洲艺术家们完成了9个联合作品。AMA曾邀请19个不同亚洲国家和地区的艺术家,包括印度、孟加拉国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、阿富汗、伊朗伊拉克、叙利亚、中国、港台地区和日本等,在东京共同创作并演出。今年AMA更计划前往东京之外的其他国家和地区演出《鲁迅,狂人日记》(该剧2008年曾由草台班参与创作并在上海首演,名为《鲁迅二零零八》)和《梦难承6:希望》。
“舞台小世界,世界大舞台”─ 日常生活是怎样每天挥发出戏剧性,令我们无法不置身于社会剧场?“社会剧场”系列论坛每月邀请文化艺术领域著名学者、批评家,向我们揭示身处的剧场。现已邀请Christopher Connery、张献、顾铮、Rachel Freeman、王晓明、张献民、2wheels4change组合、孙丽翠、陈光兴、张念等作为主讲嘉宾出席草台班“文化站”,愿以各家之丰富积累与思考,畅谈文艺与公共生活等话题。