Dr Shi Ke
Speaker: Dr. Shi Ke
Poet. Associate artist to Arnolfini gallery.
Language: Chinese
The speaker will briefly map the whole spectrum of the genres in contemporary Live performance, from performance art, live art to mainstream or conventional theatre. Taking examples from different cultures such as Anglo-American, China, Japan, east Europe etc, the speaker will introduce the basic knowledge of the area pertaining to the notional shift, mutual relationship between the genres, the way public and audience participate, the recent development, the relationship with other contemporary art disciplinesetc. Apart from the speech, the speaker will show related images and videos.
About Dr. Shi Ke
Poet. Associate artist to Arnolfini gallery.
About Grass Stage Culture Outpost: Social Theatre Forum
“The Stage is a small world, and the world is a large stage”- Since daily life has become theatrical, there is no escaping a universal involvement in social theater. Each month the “Social Theatre”forum series will invite scholars and critics in the fields of culture and art to illuminate the stage on which we all dwell. To date, we have invited Christopher Connery, Zhang Xian, Gu Zheng, Rachel Freeman, Wang Xiaoming, Zhang Xianming and 2wheels4change group, and others to participate in the Grass Stage Culture Outpost as speakers and honored guests. It is our wish to engage various scholars’work and thought in order to foster discussion on topics in culture, art, and public life. Dedicated to the exploration of the relationship between culture, art and society, spreading knowledge, and interdisciplinary communication.
About Culture Outpost Manifesto
Dedicated to the exploration of the relationship between culture, art and society, spreading knowledge, and interdisciplinary communication, the “Culture Outpost”is a small scale salon that Grass Stage has held since 2007. We have organized over 30 events, which have included lectures and lively discussion, and which have been and will continue to be free of charge. These events have featured expert panels, presentations, discussions and small scale performances. Based on the goals of the Grass Stage group, the “Culture Outpost”welcomes those who are concerned about society and culture, those with a wish to open their minds, and those willing to take an active part in discussions and to express their own ideas.
“舞台小世界,世界大舞台”─日常生活是怎样每天挥发出戏剧性,令我们无法不置身于社会剧场?“社会剧场”系列论坛每月邀请文化艺术领域著名学者、批评家,向我们揭示身处的剧场。现已邀请Christopher Connery、张献、顾铮、Rachel Freeman、王晓明、张献民、2wheels4change组合、赵川、孙丽翠、陈光兴、张念等作为主讲嘉宾出席草台班“文化站”,愿以各家之丰富积累与思考,畅谈文艺与公共生活等话题。