Anika Schwarzlose, Brian D. McKenna, Wu Juehui, Aajiao, Chao Jiaxing, Ronnie Gillam
Guest Speakers: Anika Schwarzlose, Brian D. McKenna, Wu Juehui, Aajiao
Organizer: Chao Jiaxing (V Art Center)
Host: Ronnie Gillam (MyPeople producer)
Language: Chinese and English
This group exhibition displays artworks created by 12 artists from Netherlands, Britain and Shanghai. The exhibition is held at two showrooms in M50 V Art Center and as the first stop of the project named Mypeople, the second and the third stop will be London and Amsterdam. The project launched by these talented artists is aim to show the network influence among people for the reason that these versatile artists from all over the world who are brought together here were just connected by the very interpersonal network.
By this opportunity, we will welcome Ronnie Gillam, the project organizer, to arrange interaction and feedback process. And our Netherlands artists, Anika Schwarzlose and Brian D.McKenna will introduce their creative work to our domestic fellows for the first time, and meanwhile Wu Juehui and Aaajiao are also about to share their recent working experience.
Guest Speakers’ Brief Introduction:
Anika Schwarzlose [German/Netherlands]
Anika Schwarzlose was born 1982 in Berlin, Germany. She received a BA from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2009. She’s currently working in Amsterdam and studying a MFA program at the Konsthögskolan i Malmö, Sweden. Her practice revolves around structures, methods and the devices we invent to organize the world around us. Often engaging photographic principles like the processes of image creation and mediation not only as means but also as the subject of her work. Exhibition was held in BemisArt Center, Omaha, USA, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands and so on. 2010/2011 supported by the startstipendium of the Fonds BKVB.
Brian D. McKenna [Ireland/United Kingdom]
b. 1975, Ottawa, Canada. Lives and works in Amsterdam.Brian McKenna completed degrees in Music and Visual-Art at the University of Lethbridge, Canada, and the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. His audio, video, and installation work investigates specific and literal relationships between image and sound.
Wu Juehui
Wu Juehui is a New Media Artist.He work as a teacher inChina academy of art Studio of Embodied Media.In recent years, he has operated on the potential interface between art and science and between the human body and media in close collaboration with research institutes such as TASML | Tsinghua Art and Science Media Laboratory, Institute of Neural Engineering (Tsinghua University), Institute of Graphics and Image (Hangzhou Dianzi University), Media x Design Laboratory (EPFL).“MeatMedia” focus on the “Emotional Interface” of the works by setting the open rules of the game, to find a balance between “Dry” and “Wet”.
Xu Wenkai (Aaajiao)
Xu Wenkai, who uses the name Aaajiao in most exhibition and other public contexts, was born in Xi’an in 1984 and currently resides in Shanghai. His name is widely known within both art and technology circles in China. Aaajiao focuses on the use of data and its various forms of display, and how meaning is understood through the process of transforming movement from reality, to data, and back again. His most significant aesthetic contribution to new media in China is a social one, acting as a vector for the interpretation and communication of international and local trends in the usages of software in artistic practice.
Anika Schwarzlose ,Brian D. McKenna,吴珏辉,徐文恺Aaajiao,巢佳幸,Ronnie Gillam
嘉宾:Anika Schwarzlose ,Brian D. McKenna,吴珏辉,徐文恺Aaajiao
策划:巢佳幸 (视界艺术中心)
主持: Ronnie Gillam (《MyPeople》展览发起人)
一个由来自荷兰,英国,上海,12位艺术家组成的群展作为一个名为《My People》的项目的第一站(相继在上海、伦敦、阿姆斯特丹)在m50视界艺术中心两个空间呈现,项目始于3地工作内容涉猎多元的艺术家主观期待的人际网络。
藉由展览契机,邀请该项目的组织者Ronnie Gillam引导部分参与艺术家交流相关反馈。荷兰艺术家Anika Schwarzlose、Brian D. McKenna 将首次在国内介绍他们的创作, 同时吴珏辉和Aaajiao 也会探讨他们近期的工作重点 。
Anika Schwarzlose(德国/荷兰)
生于1982年,柏林。2009年,在荷兰阿姆斯特丹久负盛名的盖瑞特·瑞威尔德艺术设计学院(Gerrit Rietveld Academy)取得了学士学位。她近来在阿姆斯特丹工作并同时在瑞典的著名的马尔默艺术学院(Konsthögskolan i Malmö)攻读艺术硕士学位。她的作品围绕我们发明的用以组织世界的身边结构、方式和装置。而经常引用的如图片成像协调过程的摄像原理不仅是她作品中用以展现的手段更是其作品不可或缺的主题之一。其作品相继在美国奥马哈毕米思艺术中心(Bemis Art Center),德国,瑞典,荷兰等地展出,并且获得了2010/2011年度的由BKVB(荷兰基金会下的视觉艺术、设计和建筑协会基金会)出资的START奖学金的支持。
Brian D. McKenna(爱尔兰/英国)
生于1975年,加拿大,渥太华。他如今在阿姆斯特丹工作和生活。Brian McKenna分别在加拿大的莱斯布里奇大学(The University of Lethbridge)和阿姆斯特丹的桑德伯格研究所(The Sandberg Institute)获得音乐和视觉艺术学位。他的影像安置工作研究了图像和声音之间特定和夸张的关系。
徐文恺于1984年生于西安并且近来在上海定居。在多数的展览和其他公共场合下是以Aaajiao的名字面对大家的。在中国的艺术和信息技术界他的名字广为人知。Aaajiao 关注于数据的使用以及其多变的呈现形态,并且深谙作品的寓意在从现实到数据之间往复穿梭转换的过程中是如何被人领会的。他对中国新传媒最突出的美学贡献是社会因素,它作为一个途径来解释和沟通软件应用在艺术实践中的国内外趋势。