Mr Edward Muallemwill give a brief intruduction about Palestinian theatre from 1920-2013,and then to take El Hakawati andAshtar Theatre as examplesto speak in more details about the theatre movement in contemporary Palestine. Ashtar theatre is a unique group in Palestine. Itis 3 organizations in one. There'rethree major programs under the umbrella of ASHTAR theatre:1) Teachers training program: drama training for Adolescents and school teachers; 2) Theatre of the Oppressed Program (Locally, Regionally and Internationally); 3) Making of experimental theatre productions. Since the establishment of ASHTAR, most of the actors and theatre technicians in Palestine are the graduates of Ashtar,even before the opening of the first acting academy in Palestine 4 years ago.
Edward Muallem
Theatre Pioneer, Actor, Trainer, and Director
At the age of 17, Edward Muallem went from his village to study theatre at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Driven by his passion for theatre, his dedication to his people, and his desire to raise the voice of the voiceless on stage, he joined François Abu Salem and the others to found El Hakawati Theatre Company in Jerusalem in 1977.
After leaving El Hakawati, in 1991, Edward and his partner, Iman Aoun, established Ashtar for Theatre Productions and Training as a new initiative to set up the first drama training program in high schools in Jerusalem and Ramallah. Undertaking such a project in the unstable political environment of the first Intifada was a great challenge!
Edward Muallem is the main trainer and Joker at Ashtars’ Theatre for Oppressed Program locally and internationally. At the same time he is the Acting Director of the International theatre of the Oppressed Festival organized by Ashtar theatre in Palestine.
爱德华·穆尤勒姆(Edward Muallem)将简要介绍1920年至今的巴勒斯坦戏剧状况,然后以艾尔·哈卡瓦提(El Hakawati)剧团和阿斯塔(Ashtar)剧团为例,对当代巴勒斯坦剧场运动做更详细的评说。阿斯塔剧团是一个在巴勒斯坦非常独特的组织。它共运作三个主要项目:1)教师培训课程:针对青少年和学校教师的戏剧培训;2)“被压迫者剧场”计划(本地、区域和国际的);3)实验戏剧制作。直到4年前第一个巴勒斯坦的表演学院成立,巴勒斯坦的演员和剧场技术人员的主力,大都出自阿斯塔剧团。
爱德华·穆尤勒姆17岁时离开村子到耶路撒冷希伯来大学学习戏剧。出于对戏剧的热爱、对人民的责任感,以及让“无声者”在舞台上放声的愿望,他加入弗朗西斯·阿布·萨勒姆(François Abu Salem)等人在1977年于耶路撒冷共同创立的艾尔·哈卡瓦提剧团。
1991年离开艾尔·哈卡瓦提剧团后,他和伊曼·奥恩(Iman Aoun)成立了阿斯塔剧团来做戏剧制作和培训。这项新举措,开始了耶路撒冷和拉马拉高中戏剧培训的先河。在当时“第一次大起义”的政治不稳定环境中,推动此项目是种巨大挑战!