Gianpietro Veronese
Art Topics Lecture Series: Interiors in European painting from the late Middle Ages to Impressionism
Language: English with Chinese Translation
Admission Free. Reservation is required.
The objective of this research is to collect a set of works ranging from medieval art of the '300 to Impressionism that somehow depict interiors. Some paintings describe in details shapes, materials, patterns and proportions of the interiors. The given talk will be a journey visiting differences between the periods, schools and areas of origin, to understand the motivations of the executors and their passion for the subject. But most of all it tries to relive the atmosphere represented in the works, to analyse the details and understand how they lived, or wanted to live, in that particular time and place.
About Gianpietro Veronese
Gianpietro Veronese is graduated in Art History at Universita’ degli Studi di Udine, Italy, with a specialisation in Iconography and Iconology. He developed various art and history researches and worked at the Science Museum in London. Currently he is the Creative Director of Lacantouch Home Décor, Shanghai, and he is also a teacher at Shanghai International Study University.
乔文(Gianpietro Veronese)毕业于意大利乌迪內大学艺术史系,专攻象征与图像学,研究艺术史。曾任职于伦敦科技馆。目前担任长堤家饰的创意总监,同时执教于上海外国语大学。