Wang Jun
Lecturer: Wang Jun
Language: Chinese
During 1930 to 1937, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin had their most peaceful lives in Bei Zongbu hutong in Beijing. Each time they departed from here to discover, survey, record and search a large number of valuable China ancient architecture objects under the threaten of the Anti-Japanese War centering on Huai Bei area. In the Bei Zongbu hutong, Lin Huiyin finished most of her literary creation, and was considered as the renowned poet and writer in the period of Republic of China.
According to the fruitful outcome of Bei Zongbu hutong research, and survey of west-south area during the Anti-Japanese War, Liang Sicheng completed his book the history of Chinese Architecture. He also listed the China cultural legacy to both battle sides for protection of Chinese culture during May 1945, and Civil War in March 1949.The second list was published as the Important Architectural Heritage in China, and considered as the first cultural protection references in 1961.
Bei Zongbu hutong, the former residence of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin as the starting point of Chinese Architecture history, isn’t existed. The lecture will talk about the valuable photo archives, and restore the life and death of the typical courtyard in in Beijing.
About the Lecturer
Wang Jun, Senior Journalist of Xinhua News Agency, invited members of the CPPCC in Beijing. Authored Beijing Record ,The City on My Interview Book. National Library Wenjin Book Award winner, National Outstanding Award for best-selling book winner, the yearly top ten book of 2003 elected by Wenhui Weekly Reading, the yearly top ten book of 2008 elected byChina Book Critics Society. Beijing Record was voted to be the "sixty years and six books" by China Reading Weekly, and translated into Japanese and English. The NewYork Review of books commented it as"A similar theme to Jane Jacob's Book The Death and Lifeof Great Cities in America, and should be the core literary work in the event of protecting old cities heritages in this country. "
他的著作先后获得中国出版集团奖、全国优秀畅销书奖、国家图书馆文津图书奖、中国建筑图书奖、台湾吴大猷科普著作奖、“2003中国十大年度图书”(《文汇读书周报》)、“2008年度十大图书”(中国图书评论学会)、新中国“六十年,六十书”(《中华读书报》)等。《读书》杂志社、联合国教科文组织、日本东京大学分别于2003年、2005年、2009年召开《城记》研讨会。 2011年6月,《纽约书评》以三个版面发表《城记》英文版评论,认为:“这本书与促使人们改变城市环境思考方式的经典之作——简·雅各布斯的《美国大城市的死与生》相似,并成为这个国家新兴的城市遗产保护运动的核心著作。”