2022年 9月 29日 – 2022年 11月 20日RAM Highlights 2022: The Good Life
RAM 海莱茨 2022: 美好生活
"Isolation" is an Audio/Visual project based on urban ruins by Shanghai-based sound artist Xu Cheng and photographer Gregorio Samsaro. Using images and sounds from abandoned places in the city as structural material, the two artists will reconstruct and portray a virtual auditorial imaginary space, and finally presenting their works in a live audiovisual performance or an exhibition.
The "ruins" as the "art museum", a space with very special quality, a gray zone between public and non-public space, and the final physical of passed times and human behavior into a physical place to be experienced. The excavation of these spaces and the collection of audio and visual materials make the "Isolation" project a contemporary "archaeological record" for both artist.
The project is not intended to restore an original urban audiovisual soundscape, but rather to reconstruct a virtual experience with the senses and memories by breaking down this double isolation in a state of ambiguity. This experience comes from their respective urban experiences, but floats aimlessly outside the current urban life.
Xu Cheng
Sound artist based in Shanghai and a practitioner and organizer of sound activities, winner of Ars Electronica 2012. He dabbles in experimental music, improvisation, electronic music and so forth. Apart from the music ontology, Xu is also interested in the interaction between sound and social spaces and its behaviors and manifestations. Xu works with varied forms of sound art: installations, experimental music, performances and theatre.
Gregorio Samsaro
Photographer of dereliction, with a focus on eschatological sociology of urban ruination, architectural geography of kali yuga, and the microhistorical documentation and haphazard visual narration of forgotten human travail and inhuman decay.