Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Episode Five: Photographic Cultures 会聚未来-召唤上海创造力系列讲座:摄影文化

Event Information

Date: 9 March 2013
Time: 07:00 07:00
Venue: 1F, Associate Mission Building


日期: 2013年 3月 9日
时间: 07:00 07:00
场馆: 协进大楼1F

Zhu Hao,Chen Zhe,Michael Wolf,Gu Zheng


Panelists: Zhu Hao, Chen Zhe, Michael Wolf, Gu Zheng

Moderators: Francesca Tarocco, Anna Greenspan

Language: Chinese,English

Admission is free. Reservation is required.

Presented by Shanghai Studies Symposium, RAM, NYU Shanghai

Photography has always been used to envision the transformations and mutations of cities. Since its invention, it has been inextricably linked with the making and imagining of Chinese modernity and that of its most cosmopolitan cities, chiefly Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.

This event examines the photo-based work of three contemporary artists who envision the Chinese urban condition using documentary practices as well as a variety of other aesthetic and performative expressions.

About the moderators

Francesca Tarocco and Anna Greenspan are professors in NYU Shanghai and the founders of the research initiative Shanghai Studies Symposium.

About the speakers

Gu Zheng

Born in 1959, professor of photography at Fudan University in Shanghai and is one of China's leading scholars of contemporary photography. He has written articles for numerous journals and exhibition catalogues in China and was a chief curator and curatorial committee member of the 2005 Guangzhou Photo Biennial.

Michael Wolf

Born in 1954, lived in the United States between 1955 and 1973. He quit his studies at the University of California to study photography at the University of Essen and has worked as a photographer ever since. and, in 1995, moved to Hong Kong where he works for "Stern" magazine and on his own long-term projects

Zhu Hao

Born in 1969, graduate from drama and literature at Shanghai Institute of Drama, working as the National Creative Director of Ogilvy Public Relations

Chen Zhe

Born in 1989, Zhe Chen is a photo-based artist currently based between Los Angeles and China. Identifying the physical self-destruction of her subjects as an act of spiritual cleansing, Zhe Chen has been documenting self-mortification of her own and others since 2007, while creating a series of projects focusing on gender consciousness, identity confusion, post-traumatic stress disorder and memory.


15:00-15:10 Welcome by RAM and NYU Shanghai

Chairs: Larys Frogier (RAM) and Francesca Tarocco (NYU Shanghai)

15:10-15:30 Introduction

Gu Zheng “The photography scene in Shanghai during the republican period

(1912-1949) and more recent developments”

15:30-16:30 Artists presentations

Michael Wolf,Zhu Hao,Chen Zhe

16:30-17:10 Discussion

Moderators: Francesca Tarocco and Anna Greenspan

17:10-17:50 Q&A

Next Series Event:

6th April RAM TALK:All Tomorrow’s Parties: Summoning Creativity in Shanghai—— Shanzhai and Maker Culture










Francesca Tarocco教授, Anna Greenspan 教授












15:00-15:10 欢迎词

15:10-15:30 顾铮教授介绍“民国时期上海摄影情况及近期发展”

15:30-16:30 艺术家作品介绍:迈克尔 沃夫、朱浩、陈哲

16:30-17:10 讨论: 由Francesca Tarocco 和 Anna Greenspan主持

17:10-17:50 观众互动


4月6日 RAM 讲座:会聚未来——召唤上海创造力系列讲座:山寨文化