Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆
CPA Season 1: From a History of Exhibitions towards a Future of Exhibition-Making---“Second Assembly: Exhibition-Making Practices in China and Southeast Asia in the 1990s” 亚洲策展实践第一辑:“从展览的历史到展览制造的未来” ——“第二次集会:1990 年代中国及东南亚地区的策展实践”
Journey in the Dreams of the Children at the Border: An exhibition at Site 2 refugee camp and its legacies within contemporary art in Cambodia 探寻边境孩童的梦想:柬埔寨第二难民营中的儿童绘画展对柬埔寨当代艺术的影响
- Event Information 活动信息
- About the Event 关于活动
- About the Speaker 关于讲者
- CPA Season 1: From a History of Exhibitions towards a Future of Exhibition-Making---“Second Assembly: Exhibition-Making Practices in China and Southeast Asia in the 1990s” 亚洲策展实践第一辑:“从展览的历史到展览制造的未来” ——“第二次集会:1990 年代中国及东南亚地区的策展实践”
- Curatorial Practices in Asia 亚洲策展实践
Event Information
Date: 6 July 2018
Time: 11:00 – 12:30
Venue: Rockbund Art Museum
Speaker: Erin Gleeson
Language: English with Chinese interpretation
日期: 2018年 7月 6日
时间: 11:00 – 12:30
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆
主讲人: 艾琳·格里森
语言: 英文,中文翻译
About the Event 关于活动
Marking the first of a series of events related to “Second Assembly: Exhibiton-Making Practice in China and Southeast Asia in the 1990s” a curatorial project jointly curated by Biljana Ciric and the museum, RAM is delighted to invite Phnom Penh-based curator and writer Erin Gleeson to discuss and present excerpts from the 1992 documentary film ‘Between Shadow and Light’. The film focuses on the experiences of Veronique Monique Decrop, a French humanitarian volunteer who opened a drawing school for children in a Cambodian refugee camp named ‘Site 2’. Erin Gleeson will screen excerpts from the film in order to draw awareness to its human impact during that period of time, but also to explore how this art education and exhibition making project still has influence in Cambodia today.
本次活动是由上海外滩美术馆与比利安娜·思瑞克共同策划的“第二次集会:1990 年代中国及东南亚地的策展实践”研讨会前的系列讲座的第一场。我们很荣幸邀请到现居柬埔寨金边的策展人、作家艾琳·格里森,她将介绍 1992 年的纪录片《光影之间》,并展示部分精选片段。这部纪录片讲述了法国人道主义志愿者薇洛尼卡·莫妮卡·德克洛普在柬埔寨第二难民营开设儿童绘画学校的经历。格里森通过精选片段展示,让观众了解这一活动在当时产生的人文影响,并剖析该艺术教育和策展项目对今天的柬埔寨有何影响。
About the Speaker 关于讲者
Erin Gleeson is curator and writer, and the co-founding artistic director of SA SA BASSAC, a non-profit exhibition space, reading room and resource center in Phnom Penh. Her recent projects include the exhibition series Satellite Program 8, Jeu de Paume and CAPC, France (2015-2016), the research project "Exhibition Histories: Cambodia, 1945-2016", ACC Library Park, Gwangju (2015-2016); "If The World Changed", 4th Singapore Biennale (2013-2014); "Phnom Penh: Rescue Archaeology", ifa, Berlin and Stuttgart (2013), and "Sights andSounds: Global Film and Video", Jewish Museum, New York (2013). In 2018 she gave talks at the conferences SUNSHOWER: Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia 1980s til Today, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo and Flights from the Empire, House of World Cultures, HKW, Berlin. Her writing has been published in Art Asia Pacific, Mousse, South as a State of Mind, and others. Erin is currently an Alphawood Scholar, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (2015-2018).
艾琳·格里森,知名策展人、作家,柬埔寨金边非盈利展览、阅读、资源中心莎莎百色联合创始人兼艺术总监。近年来,她参与策划法国网球场美术馆与CAPC 当代艺术美术馆“卫星项目8”展览(2015-2016)、韩国光州ACC 图书馆公园“展览历史:1945-2016的柬埔寨”研究项目(2015-2016)、第四届新加坡双年展“如果世界已改变”(2013-2014)、德国柏林和斯图加特 IFA 美术馆“金边:拯救考古学” (2013),以及纽约犹太博物馆“光与声:全球电影与影像”(2013)。2018年,她在东京森美术馆“太阳雨:20世纪80 年代至今的东南亚当代艺术”和柏林世界文化馆“来自帝国的航班”会议上发表讲话。她撰写的文章发表在《亚太艺术》、《Mousse》和《南方是一种精神状态》等杂志上。现任伦敦大学亚非学院阿尔法伍德学者(2015-2018)。