Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆
CPA Season 2: Open Institution 亚洲策展实践第二辑:“打开机构”
Expending the Platform of Private Museum: exhibition to artist 拓展私人美术馆平台:从展览到艺术家
Event Information
Date: 21 December 2019
Time: 07:00 – 08:30
Venue: Rockbund Art Museum
Speaker: Nathalie Boseul Shin
Language: Chinese
日期: 2019年 12月 21日
时间: 07:00 – 08:30
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆
主讲人: 申宝瑟
语言: 英语
About the Event 关于活动
Art works vary in form from exhibition to exhibition as they collectively spatialize into a space a three dimensional story through subtle methods of storytelling and strategy created by the curator. The majority of the audience mostly never have the chance to see the final presentation of artworks and often attempt to understand art only through the exhibition booklet and guided tour. Subsequently, this increases the difficulty to provide access for them to explore the wider process of exhibition-making.
Due to this context, Total Museum is the first private contemporary art institution in South Korea, and seeks to shift the focus of projects from artwork to the artists. The museum has begun to initiate more programs where the audience can become actively involved with the exhibition-making process and communication with the artists. This includes projects such as Monday Salon that invites artists, curators, dancers, and composers to give a talk; the travelling project Roadshow; and Dream Blossom Academy, which gives the intellectually disabled and autistic community an opportunity to have a class with the artists. In the lecture, Nathalie Boseul Shin, the chief curator of Total Museum will come to share the stories behind the art projects and exhibitions, and discuss the future possibility of contemporary art institutions and its relationship to different audiences.
因此,总体美术馆作为韩国首家私人美术馆将艺术项目的重点,从艺术作品转移至艺术家,策划了更多可以邀请观众参与到展览制作过程并与艺术家有所交流的活动项目,诸如:邀请艺术家、策展人、舞蹈家、作曲家等创作者分享创作想法及心得的“周一沙龙(Monday Salon)”讲座项目,团队足迹遍布韩国、印度、马来西亚等多个国家的“路演(Roadshow)”旅行项目,以及与韩国Jung-gu残疾人康复中心合作为智力障碍和自闭症患者开设艺术相关课程的“梦之花学院(Dream Blossom Academy)”等。
About the Speaker 关于讲者
Nathalie Boseul Shin is the chief curator of Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul. Since 1997, she has been engaged with various forms of exhibition planning and art projects across South Korea. She developed her experience at Seoul International Media Art Biennale 2004 (media_city Seoul 2004) and then following this with her work at Total Museum of Contemporary Art. She curated Muntadas: Asian Protocols (Antoni Muntadas), News after the News (Dan Perjovschi), Postcapical Archive: 1989-2001 (Daniel G. Andujar), Danish Video Art Exhibition Subtle Whispering, Gary Hill’s solo exhibition Why do things get in a muddle? etc. Since 2010, she has been organizing various annual international projects such as Roadshow, Playground in island (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia), the show must go on. Currently, she started to organize several long-term outreach programs: Batik Story (Surabaya/Kriyan, Indonesia), Dream Blossom Academy (Seoul, Korea, rehabilitation center for the disabled).
申宝瑟(Nathalie Boseul Shin)是首尔总体美术馆的首席策展人。于1997年起开始从事艺术相关工作,至今参与了各类展览项目的策划,曾担任2004年首尔国际媒体艺术双年展展览部门经理。申宝瑟自2007年加入总体美术馆,参与策划该馆展览包括“蒙塔达斯:亚洲礼仪”(安东尼·蒙塔达斯个展),“新闻之后的新闻”(丹·佩尔约夫斯基个展),“后资本档案:1989-2001年”(丹尼尔·G·安杜哈尔个展),丹麦影像艺术展“微妙耳语”以及加里·希尔的个展“为何事物会陷入混乱”等。自2010年以来,她持续组织了多个年度国际艺术项目,其中包括“路演”,“岛上的游乐场”和“表演必须继续”等。目前,她策划了多个长期外展项目包括“蜡染物语”(泗水/ Kriyan,印度尼西亚),和“梦之花学院”(残疾人康复中心,韩国首尔)。