Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Artist Talk: Li Wei 艺术家讲座:黎薇

Event Information

Date: 23 November 2013
Time: 08:00 10:00
Venue: 2F Y.W.C.A Building
Speaker: Li Wei
Language: Chinese


日期: 2013年 11月 23日
时间: 08:00 10:00
场馆: 女青年会大楼二楼
主讲人: 黎薇
语言: 中文

Dialogues with the participating artists of HUGO BOSS ASIA ART, hosted by the RAM team.

Speaker: Li Wei

Dialogue with Liu Yingjiu

Li Wei

1981 born in Beijing

Currently works and lives in Beijing

Li’s oeuvre consists primarily of sculpture and installation. Interpreting Li Wei’s method in her works means one must go beyond the pre-existing category of “sculpture”; the viewer can view the works in any way from the perspective of one installation to a more plural perspective. Underneath the works of this post-1980s artist, however, lies a vast corpus of memory; this is not merely what is accumulated by personal experience but is also the artist’s attempt at manifesting a collective memory.

《HUGO BOSS亚洲艺术大奖》参展艺术家与美术馆团队的对话






黎薇的创作主要以雕塑与装置呈现,解读黎薇作品的方法需要跳开传统既定的“雕塑”范畴,观者可从一个装置甚至更多元的角度来观看作品。一个80后艺术家作品的背后却包涵着庞大的记忆体,不只是个人经验的积累,更是艺术家企图将共同记忆(collective memory)的呈现。