Lu Pingyuan, Biljana Ciric
Curated by Biljana Ciric
Language: Chinese
The artist Lu Pingyuan will talk about his experience of art creation resistance in the context of different culture. He will also share self-reflection and rethinking of art practice, and efficient ways to break through communication in the different contexts of creation with audiences.
“Shanghai based Lu Pingyuan is an Iaspis-scholar in Gothenburg, by recommendations of Galleri Box. Alongside the walls with questions listed about the meaning of art and what its mission really is. Added to this there are models of the exhibition room with works in it, that both thematise the communist China and the capitalism of the art world. In simple words, he investigates the conventions of what’s expected of him as an artist and how his art is expected to be packaged in this geo-political intersection. The models works as a critical distance to the norms an artist normally is put under. The title Time Capsule suggests a time and a room between the borders of fiction and reality that establishes a disctance to that time that decides the art worlds own assembly line. The fact that the exhibition takes place in a country that once was called a mixed economy one, contributes to the fact that this is one of the best meta-exhibitions I’ve seen in a long time.” --Swedish Critic Fredrik Svensk
About Lu Pingyuan
Lu Pingyuan is a young artist based in Shanghai. He uses installations, video, paintings et cetera to narrate his reflections on his surroundings. A news, a scene in a park or picking up a box from the ground takes place in his imagination and be his reason for creating. As with “Oppurtunity and Cost” calculating within the space the time and the costs, to “On Fire” (video) where he found excitement in fire and it’s limitations but also to what happens when fire turns into stranded material. It appears so that his creativity is not set to one inherent thinking, but the existing works of his shows overall richness. There is an uncertain sensitivity that runs through his works, design and be designed and a self created contradition in sense of boundaries coexists in his creative work. Lupingyuan has joined Iaspis residency ,Sweden,2011,and has a solo show in gallery Box, Gothenburg Sweden named “Time capsule”. has had numerous group exhibitions and solo exhibitions including: “Reperforming history”, Bund18 Gallery, Shanghai China(2011), “Autonomous breathing”in M50 Creative Space, shanghai (2010). The Youth Sale Store, Pekin finearts, Beijing (2010): The Youth Sale Store , M50 Creative Space, shanghai (2010): vanish , DDM space , shanghai (2009) : Art Economies beyond Pattern Recognition , Osage Gallery shanghai (2009) : HORNY A4 gallery Box, Gothenburg Sweden (2009): Xiaozhizuo no.8 , Zhenda MOMA (2009): Xiaozhizuo no.5 , Shopping Gallery shanghai (2008)
“上海的艺术家陆平原在哥德堡Iaspis做驻留项目, 并在Galleri Box举办个展, 他在展墙上罗列了一系列关于艺术的问题, 以及关于原本要展示的作品模型。他的两个模型探讨的是关于共产主义的中国和资本主义的艺术体制之间的关系。概括的说, 他呈现了作为一个艺术家是如何面对观众的期待以及包装自己的创作的。而模型作为一个非常规的艺术品出现在展览中。 时间胶囊这个题目暗示着由时间和空间构建的一个自我在体制中的标准, 事实上, 展览发生在这个曾经被称为混合经济的政治中立国家, 这是我很久以来见过最具有隐喻色彩的展览。”— 瑞典艺术评论人Fredrik Svensk
陆平原的创作中多带有一些比较敏感的对周遭事物的反映,用装置,影像,绘画等形式叙述出来,一桩新闻,在公园看见的一个场景,或是某天在地上拾到的一个盒子,都能够成为了他进行创作和瞎想的理由,从对一个空间进行计算时间成本的游戏(机会成本)到对火和界限还有一种萌发界限产生滞留物带来的刺激感(录像:上火),似乎他的创作不拘泥于一种固有的思考模式,但是作品存在着整体的丰富性。有种感性的不明确的线索贯穿着他的作品 ,设计与被设计,自我制造一种矛盾的边界感在他的整体创作中并存。
陆平原2011年参与了瑞典Iaspis驻留项目,并在哥德堡gallery Box举办了个展“胶囊”,他的个展“自律的呼吸”曾在上海M50创意中心展出(2010)主要群展包括:“回放-占领舞台”外滩18号(2011),“心境Moca当代艺术馆文献展”上海Moca当代艺术馆(2010): “阅读“ 黑蓝空间 上海(2010): “青年折扣店” 艺门画廊(2010) 北京:“用手稿”SHIFT集装箱(2010) 上海:“消失” 东大名创库 上海(2009): “艺术新经济” 奥沙艺术空间 上海(2009):“HORNY A4” gallery Box, 瑞典哥德堡(2009): “小制作第8回” 证大艺术馆(2009): “小制作第5回”小平画廊 上海(2008)