Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

2012 John Moores Painting Prize and Critics Awards 2012年约翰•莫尔绘画奖(中国)暨绘画评论奖媒体发布会

Event Information

Date: 20 June 2012 Invalid Date
Time: 07:00 Invalid Date
Venue: 1F, Associate Mission Building


日期: 2012年 6月 20日 Invalid Date
时间: 07:00 Invalid Date
场馆: 协进大楼1F


2012 John Moores Painting Prize and Critics Awards Press Conference

at Rockbund Art Museum

2012 John Moores Painting Prize (China) as the sister campaign of John Moores Painting Prize in UK follows the success of the 2010 first session. June 20th, the opening of 2012 John Moores Painting Prize Exhibition will show 64 finalists at Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute Art Museum.

Meanwhile, John Moores Exhibition Trust presents the first John Moores Critcis Awards in Shanghai. The Awards open to individuals who are interested in art critics, to recognize outstanding critical writing, both in English and Chinese, on painting. The Award Committee members include: AICA (International Association of Art Critics), ROCKBUND ART MUSEUM, Shanghai University, Liverpool John Moores University, chaired by Henry Meyric Hughes. The Awards is co-organized by British Council, Liverpool Biennale and John Moores Exhibition Trust and sponsored by DSL Collection. The 2012 Awards Judges are: Sam Thorne, Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton, Hsiangling Lai, David Batchelor, Yan Gong, Minglu Gao.

The conference will review the background and finalists of the painting prize, and prospect the Critics Awards.

For more information, please go to:




继2010年约翰·莫尔绘画奖(中国)(John Moores Painting Prize(China))首次在上海成功举办之后,这一享誉英国50多年的顶级当代艺术比赛今年以更高品质与更广影响在上海成功举办。2012年6月20日,第二届约翰·莫尔绘画奖的64件入围及获奖作品展将在上海油画雕塑院美术馆拉开帷幕(展期2012年6月20日-2012年7月10日)。

本项赛事继续将国际水准的赛制和专家与中国本地专家融合在一起,由Lewis Biggs、Michael Craig-Martin、Tony Bevan、刘小东、丁乙五位中英两国艺术家、策展人组成评审组,既吸纳了国际评委的智慧,又融会了中国评委的思想,最终形成了具有国际影响力和中国主体性的评价机制。这是一种制度创新,其意义日益凸现,在中国艺术业界赢得了良好的口碑,大赛的价值观念与运作方式,也为更多的中国艺术家认可,本次大赛初稿有效稿件投稿量达到2208件,成为中国当代绘画的一项盛事。


约翰·莫尔绘画评论奖公开征集当代艺术的评论稿件并进行评比颁奖,广泛挖掘艺术评论人才,以此推动中英两国绘画评论事业的发展。首届约翰·莫尔绘画评论奖的评委会主席为国际艺术评论协会名誉主席Henry Meyric Hughes,评委由Marjory Allthorpe Guyton、Sam Thorne、David Hughes、高名潞、赖香伶、龚彦组成,主办方也希望借此活动为中国当代艺术评论搭建新的平台与学术范式,以期待艺术与艺术评论的再次碰撞与相互促进。
