Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Visit 参观

Location 地址

Address: 20 Huqiu Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
The main entrance is at the Museum Plaza, just east of Huqiu Road.

地址: 上海市黄浦区虎丘路20号

Hours 开放时间

Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00-18:00 (last admission: 17:30)

周二至周日 10:00-18:00(最后入场时间17:30)

Admission 门票

  • Admission: 100 RMB
  • Discounted Admission for Students and Teachers: 60 RMB
  • Free Admission for RAM member, Seniors over 70, and Children under 7

  • 全票:100元/张
  • 优惠票:60元/张,学生及教师凭有效学生证或教师证,可购优惠票
  • 免票:RAM会员 、70岁以上老人、7岁以下儿童、残疾人、军人凭有效证件可免费参观,一人一票,一次入场有效

Transportation 交通

Subway: RAM is a ten-minute walk from Exit #6 of the East Nanjing Road Station on Line 2 and Line 10; Bus: Lines 20, 21, 939, 928, 65, 61, 220, 19, 167, and Tunnel Line 9.


Access 通达

RAM is accessible by elevator on all floors. Wheelchairs are available at the front desk.

馆内无障碍电梯可抵达所有楼层。 服务前台备有轮椅借用, 若需相关协助,请洽本馆前台服务人员。

Group Visit 团体预约

RAM offers group guided tour services, limited to a maximum of 30 people. If you need to make a reservation for a group guided tour service, please make sure to send an email to at least one week in advance.

本馆于展览活动期间提供团体预约导览服务,限三十人以内。如需预约团体导览服务,请务必于一周前发送邮件至 进行预约。如需任何帮助,请致电021-63216251。