Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Team 团队

Rockbund Art Museum Team 上海外滩美术馆团队

Alison Chen, Operation Specialist

Mag Chen, Digital Media Strategist

Kevin Dong, Finance Director

Guo Youheng, Exhibition Associate

Jin Xinyan, Design Manager

Huang Haida, Finance Manager

Li Liang, Manager of Curatorial Affairs

Ma Zhaojing, Legal Manager

Natalie Niu, Special Events and Communication Manager

Pandan, Curatorial Assistant

Sam Shiyi Qian, Curator

Karen Wang, Curatorial Assistant & Researcher

Wu Shanshan, Human Resources Supervisor

Xu Tiantian, Curator

Joni Zhu, Head of Programs and Research

X Zhu-Nowell, Artistic Director

Gary Zhexi Zhang, Research Fellow

Geoff Han, Nicholas Weltyk, Website Design

Daniel Hirunrusme, Rosen Tomov, Website Development

陈艺璇 运营专员

陈君瑜 全媒体运营策划

董捷 财务总监

郭有恒 展览执行

金昕嫣 设计主管

黄海达 财务主管

李靓 展务主管

马曌箐 法务经理

牛孜若 活动及推广主管

潘旦 策展助理

钱诗怡 策展人

王馨茹 策展助理及研究员

吴珊珊 人力资源主管

徐天天 策展人

诸邦嘉 研究和项目主管

朱筱蕤 艺术总监

张哲熙 研究员

Advisory Committee 艺术委员会

Rockbund Art Museum Advisory Committee was officially founded in May, 2011. The museum directors, critics, curators, cultural researchers, and museum professionals from China and overseas have been appointed to be the committee members. The committee aims to ensure the museum is developed by a professional curatorial and administrative team, with its goal of “academic rigor, professionalism and internationalization”.
