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2010 Zeng Fanzhi 2010 曾梵志

2010 Zeng Fanzhi
2010 曾梵志
200 RMB


ISBN: 978-7-5394-3792-7

Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House

Publication Date: 2010.9

Editor: Wu Hong


ISBN: 978-7-5394-3792-7





The single work in oil by the entrance of gallery provides the opening sonata of this symphony. It is a painting that creates a huge visual impact: the massive body of a just-slaughtered bull lies flayed and still bleeding. The rapid and unruly brushwork reveal the artist’s agitation and absorption. This prelude work serves two purposes here: first, creating suspense and firing visitors’ interest and imagination for what they are about to see inside the exhibition; and second - since in terms of image and concept the painting recalls Zeng’s earlier works, in particular the ‘Meat Series’ (1992) and ‘Human Being and Meat’ (1993) – establishing a dialogue across time and space, implicitly suggesting the historic dimension of this exhibition.




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200 RMB