Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Young Curators Residency Program 青年策展人驻地计划

The Young Curators Residency programme consists of a research residency in Italy and Spain that has the dual objective of developing the professional and critical skills of the young curators selected, while aiming at spreading knowledge of the Italian and Spanish art scene on an international level. The residency provides the opportunity for the three selected candidates to get in contact and work with local artists, and furthers the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (FSRR)’s commitment to the national contemporary art as well as its engagement with emerging curatorial practice. In 2020 a collaboration was established between the Rockbund Art Museum and the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, which, through the establishment of a curatorial committee responsible for the nominations, proposed candidates from Asia. This project marks the first time the foundation has extended its acclaimed curatorial initiative to focus on improving visibility and awareness to young curators specifically from Asia to the residency program. From 2020, the committee – coordinated by Michele Bertolino and Xu Tiantian – is composed of Sabih Ahmed, Merv Espina, Esther Lu, Alia Swastika, Weiwei Wang, and X Zhu-Nowell.

青年策展人驻地项目涵盖在意大利和西班牙的研究驻地,旨在提升青年策展人的专业能力与思辨能力,同时在国际上推广意大利和西班牙艺术。该项目为三位被选中的候选人提供与当地艺术家接触与合作的机会,并促使意大利Sandretto Re Rebaudengo基金会(FSRR)投身于本国的当代艺术及新型策展实践方式。上海外滩美术馆与基金会自2020年起达成合作,通过设立由资深策展人组成的专业评委会从亚洲推荐候选人。该项目标志着基金会首次拓展其广受赞誉的策展计划,聚焦于通过驻地项目提升亚洲青年策展人的知名度。自2020年起,经米歇尔·勒布隆和徐天天共同举荐,评委会由萨比赫·艾哈迈德,梅尔·埃斯皮纳,卢紫薇,阿利娅·斯瓦斯缇卡,王慰慰和朱筱蕤组成。