Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Wan Hai Hotel opens with public programs, exhibition and narratives from across the Pacific, to explore flowing tides that transcend geographic boundaries “环海旅社”开业:通过公共活动、展览和泛太平洋地区的多元声音,探索超越地理边界的流动潮汐

8 November 2024 – 6 April 2025
2024年 11月 8日 – 2025年 4月 6日

Starting November 8, Rockbund Art Museum will transform its first floor into a “hotel,” a transitory hospitality space named Wan Hai Hotel—a speculative hotel of seascape epistemology, a space for unmooring, dismantling the borders that have framed and harnessed the seas we depend upon.

At the center of Wan Hai Hotel lies the expansive vision of Tongan thinker Epeli Hauʻofa, who defies the reduction of the Pacific to “islands in a far sea.” Here, his “sea of islands” manifests: a boundless expanse of continuity, crisscrossed lines, shared histories, and flowing networks rather than isolated territories.

Taking its name from a humble Chinatown hotel in Penang, Malaysia, Wan Hai Hotel reactivates the connective tissue of a global Chinatown network, a loose constellation unconfined by national boundaries.
From November to April 2025, Wan Hai Hotel will host six gatherings, each spanning one to two days, converging artists, scholars, musicians, and thinkers from across the Pacific. In these sessions of performance, lectures, and workshops, Indigenous ocean knowledge and decolonial narratives will guide the tide.

X Zhu-NowellArtistic Director of Rockbund Art Museum

上海,因江海相连而兴起,是全球流动与多元文化的熔炉。上海依傍的太平洋,覆盖了地球表面三分之一的广阔水域,在现代地理学家的视野中却常常被简化为资源储存地和军事战场。11月8日起,上海外滩美术馆将把一楼空间转变成一个限时的“环海旅社”, 邀请您通过“海洋景观知识论”重新审视我们所依赖的水域,解构这种工业化和军事化的海洋观。

“环海旅社”深受汤加学者艾培力·郝欧法(Epeli Hauʻofa)“岛屿之海”概念的启发。郝欧法挑战了“远海中的岛屿”这一狭隘观念,揭示出太平洋中的岛屿并非孤立的碎片,而是一个紧密相连的网络。帝国主义的侵袭将原本无边无际的海洋压缩成边界森严的领土,将人们隔离在狭小的空间中。殖民主义的分割摧毁了原本流动的生态,将岛屿分割成今天的国家和领土,阻断了人们跨越海洋的迁徙与联系数百年来所建立的亲情与文化联系。这一殖民压迫不仅在太平洋重演,更在全球范围内不断延续,至今未消。学者特蕾西亚·K·特艾瓦(Teresia K. Teaiwa)称其为“分离的边界和断裂的关系”。我们希望通过郝欧法所描述的海洋民族来反思自我身份,这种存在方式是流动的、多层的且复杂的,重在关系整体中的存在。


从11月到次年4月,“环海旅社”将举办六场为期一至两天的表演、讲座和工作坊,带来泛太平洋地区艺术家、学者与音乐家的多元声音,聚焦于原住民知识论和去殖民化叙事。除了以活动为基的项目,“环海旅社”也将展出苏予昕, 童义欣, Esvin Alarcón Lam, 杨晖&高舒, 蔡坤宇, Arka Kinari,龙奕塘&马赛, Miguel Covarrubias等艺术家的作品,以及呈现不断在建立中的环海阅览室。


    Installation View 项目现场