2019年 10月 18日 – 2020年 1月 5日HUGO BOSS ASIA ART 2019
2019年“HUGO BOSS亚洲新锐艺术家大奖”入围艺术家作品展
The “Walk & Talk” series is designed to indulge audience with diversified perspectives and opportunities for appreciating exhibited artworks, which are provided by scholars, artists, critics, curators and professional journalists from their personal and subject-matter points of view.
This “Walk & Talk” session is dedicated to sculpture and installation. In terms of their development, sculpture focuses on the shaping of a structure, while installation, created on the basis of conceptual art, pays attention to assembling various parts. However, in today’s context of arts, are these two art forms still strictly following their definitions? In this session, two artists will shed light on the similarities and differences between sculpture and installation.
Gao Shan, born in 1978 in Zhejiang Province, now serves as Associate Professor at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. She earned a bachelor’s degree (2002) and a master’s degree (2005) both in sculpture from China Academy of Art.
Ren Jie, born in 1982 in Shanghai, is now a faculty member of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. She holds a PhD in sculpture (2014) from China Academy of Art.
任倢,1982年生于上海。2014 毕业于中国美术学院雕塑系,获博士学位,现任教于上海美术学院。