Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆
The Responsibility of Civilization and the Choice of Culture: A Case Study of Aoluguya Ewenki's Ecological Migration 文明责任与文化选择——以敖鲁古雅鄂温克的生态移民为例
Event Information
About the Event 关于活动
The artist Francis Alÿs, together with Yuko Hasegawa, curator of the exhibition “Francis Alÿs: La dépense”, went on a field trip in Inner Mongolia in 2017, and paid a visit to the Aoluguya Ewenki tribe in Genhe of Hulunbuir. Ewenki hunters, having lived for generations in the mysterious Aoluguya forest, dropped off their shotguns and walked out of the forest in 2003, launching a massive migration and relocation. A series of dramatic incidents that happened thereafter have drawn extensive attention and inspiring discussions.
Xie Yuanyuan, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, China Agricultural University, used to engage in long-time field investigations in Aoluguya, and published influential books in both Chinese and English. In this talk, she will, through the case study of Aoluguya Ewenki's ecological migration, explore the relevance between the responsibility of civilization and culture, bringing us a different cultural perspective and inspiring new thinking.
About the Speaker 关于讲者
Xie Yuanyuan, Associate Professor of Department of Sociology, China Agricultural University. She received her PhD in anthropology from the Department of Sociology, Peking University and has been a visiting scholar at the University of Oslo (Norway) from 2008 to 2009, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (the US) from 2014 to 2015. Her publications include Ecological Migration Policies and Practice of Local Governments: Ecological Migrants of Ewenki Reindeer Herders of Aoluguya (Chinese), Ecological Migrants: The Relocation of China’s Ewenki Reindeer Herders (English) and Reclaiming the Forest: The Ewenki Reindeer Herders of Aoluguya (Co-editor, English).Her current research, funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China, examines the ecological culture of reindeer herders in different countries.
Xu Tiantian graduated from Fine Arts College of Shanghai University and École Supérieure des Beaux-arts Tours Angers Le Mans. She joined Rockbund Art Museum in 2014 as curatorial assistant. She has been involved in the production of several solo exhibitions of both Chinese and international artists including Chen Zhen, Heman Chong, Ugo Rondinone, Mark Bradford and Felix Gonzalez-Torres, as well as group exhibition such as “Tell Me A Story: Locality and Narrative”(2016).
谢元媛,北京大学社会学系人类学博士,中国农业大学社会学系副教授。2008-09年挪威奥斯陆大学访问学者;2014-15年美国伊利诺伊香槟大学访问学者。出版中文专著《生态移民政策与地方政府实践——以敖鲁古雅鄂温克生态移民为例》、英文专著《Ecological Migrants: The Relocation of China’s Ewenki Reindeer Herders》、合编英文文集《Reclaiming the Forest: The Ewenki Reindeer Herders of Aoluguya》。受国家社科基金项目资助,主持有关驯鹿民族的跨国比较研究。
徐天天,毕业于上海大学美术学院和法国昂热高等美术学院。2014年加入上海外滩美术馆策展团队,现任展览助理。曾为国内外多位知名艺术家制作展览,包括陈箴、张奕满、乌戈•罗迪纳、马克•布拉德福德、费利克斯•冈萨雷斯-托雷斯,同时参与“2015 HUGO BOSS 亚洲新锐艺术家大奖”、“告诉我一个故事”等群展制作。2016年参与规划制作上海外滩美术馆首届“RAM HIGHLIGHT 张鼎:风卷残云”特别艺术项目,并为项目经理。2017年与上海外滩美术馆副馆长刘迎九共同策划“宋冬:不知天命”。