Love and other Brain scenarios. A performance - science presentation into the field of emotions
As one of the most exciting Science & Art Projects in recent years, swissnex China proudly presents a five-act “lecture-performance” – Act Like You Mean It in which researchers explore the secrets of love, both in real life and on the stage.
We have all experienced being deeply touched by the actors and actresses while watching a play, but how do they convey such complex feelings? And do they really “love” or “hate” their partners that much while acting, or do they merely pretend?
Arts and sciences have a long tradition of quarreling over such questions like ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ acting, emotional identification or distant simulation. Using modern techniques of imaging brain activity, a joint research program - Authenticity of Emotion, which the lecture-performance – Act Like You Mean It has evolved from, has been carried out to examine whether top-class actors use emotions in their performances.
The project team of ‘Act like you mean it’ consists of two Swiss researchers: a neurologist, Thomas Grunwald from the Swiss Epilepsy Centre inZurich and a dramaturge from the Institute of Performing Arts and Film (ipf) at Zurich University of the Arts , Anton Rey.
Aided by Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet balcony scene, research leaders Anton Rey (ipf) and Thomas Grunwald (Swiss Epilepsy Center) present their findings in a part scientific lecture, part performance at Rockbund Art Museum (Shanghai) and Penghao Theatre (Beijing) in five acts. Assisting them are two Shanghai-based professional actors – Ms. Yujiao Gong and Mr. Shichang Jin, both from Shanghai TheatreAcademy. Besides, a science lecture on Memories and Emotions in the Human Limbic System and a workshop on Contemporary European Theatre will be given separately by the two professors.
For more information, please visit:
爱与其他脑部情境,对情感领域的表演研究作为近年来“科学与艺术”项目的重头戏,瑞士科技文化中心即将推出神经科学与剧场艺术相结合的“讲座-演出”——真情表演Act Like You Mean It,一同来探讨那些生活里的、舞台上的——爱情的秘密。
长期以来,科学界与艺术节关于各种表演技法、情感运用及模拟的问题争论不休。为此,瑞士苏黎世艺术大学 电影与表演艺术学院联合瑞士癫痫中心共同发起了“情感的真伪”这一研究项目,通过脑部测绘等现代科学技术,探讨演员在演出过程中是否真实地运用情感。
此次的“讲座-演出”——真情表演,便是从这项研究中发展而来,由两位瑞士研究人员组成,分别是来自瑞士癫痫研究中心的Thomas Grunwald教授以及苏黎世艺术大学的戏剧专家Anton Rey教授。
具体信息,敬请访问: www.swissnexchina.org和关注新浪微博@瑞士科技文化中心。