Xu Cheng,Lo Yun Ting
RAM Sound: Sonic Transmission VOL.1 Nostalgia of Seascape
“Sound Transmission” is a sound performing exchange project started by Samson Young (artistic director of Contemporary Musiking, Professor of Creative Media College in City University of Hongkong) and Yin Yi (artistic director of BM Space).
The project aims to provide a platform for sound artists in Hongkong and Shanghai to exchange and collaborate through a series of performances.
In the period between September 2012 to May 2013, we will organize artists to perform in each others’ cities irregularly.
In Hongkong, the performances will be hosted by Hongkong Art Centre and organized by CM (Contemporary Musiking).
In Shanghai, the performances will be hosted by Shanghai Rockbund Art Museum and organized by BM (Body&Music).
Artists Bio:
Lo Yun Ting is a sound artist, sound designer and field recordist form Hong Kong graduated
from School of Creative Media (SCM), City University of Hong Kong. Through different explorations on
sound, Edwin Lo tries to develop his own philosophy and language on sound and listening: thinking
sound as an object of desire, as haunting memories and experiences.
Lo’s sound works are widely published in various places such as Hong Kong, China, Japan and Mexico.
Lo’s sound works were exhibited since 2008 in various local and overseas exhibitions such as Hong
Kong Sound Station (2009, Para/Site), Shenzhen&Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism Architecture
2009, SoundLab (2009, 2010), FILE 2010 – Electronic Language International Festival, EMERGEANDSEE
Media Art Festival (2010), P/S Central (2010), Hong Kong InDependent Film Festival
2010 and White Walls Have Ears (2011).
This event is supported by ArtsNetworkAsia and BM SPACE
In Shanghai, the event will be planned and organized by BM (Body&Music), and the performance will be hosted by Rockbund Art Museum.“Sonic Transmission” is a sound performance exchange project, which is originated by two sound artists-Jiahui Yang( Samson Yang, teacher in School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong, Art Director of Contemporary Musiking (www.contemporarymusiking.com), and Yi Yin, director of Shanghai BM space (www.bmspace.org) .
As an art project, “Sonic Transmission” is intended to provide a communication stage for the artists who work on Live sound performance between Shanghai and Hong Kong through exchange series performance by the artists in Shanghai and Hong Kong,to let more people know the current situation of Live sound performance and the status of local artists and musicians.
The plan is that the artists from two cities will bring performances in the other city occa-sionally from September 2012 to May 2013.
In Hong Kong, the event will be planned and organized by CM(Contemporary Musiking, and the performance will be hosted by the Hong Kong Arts Centre.
In Shanghai, the event will be planned and organized by BM (Body&Music), and the performance will be hosted by Rockbund Art Museum.
“Sonic Transmission” is a sound performance exchange project, which is originated by two sound artists-Jiahui Yang( Samson Yang, teacher in School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong, Art Director of Contemporary Musiking (www.contemporarymusiking.com), and Yi Yin, director of Shanghai BM space (www.bmspace.org) .
As an art project, “Sonic Transmission” is intended to provide a communication stage for the artists who work on Live sound performance between Shanghai and Hong Kong through exchange series performance by the artists in Shanghai and Hong Kong,to let more people know the current situation of Live sound performance and the status of local artists and musicians.
The plan is that the artists from two cities will bring performances in the other city occa-sionally from September 2012 to May 2013.
In Hong Kong, the event will be planned and organized by CM(Contemporary Musiking, and the performance will be hosted by the Hong Kong Arts Centre.
In Shanghai, the event will be planned and organized by BM (Body&Music), and the performance will be hosted by Rockbund Art Museum.Sonic Transmission” is a sound performance exchange project, which is originated by two sound artists-Jiahui Yang( Samson Yang, teacher in School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong, Art Director of Contemporary Musiking (www.contemporarymusiking.com), and Yi Yin, director of Shanghai BM space (www.bmspace.org) .
As an art project, “Sonic Transmission” is intended to provide a communication stage for the artists who work on Live sound performance between Shanghai and Hong Kong through exchange series performance by the artists in Shanghai and Hong Kong,to let more people know the current situation of Live sound performance and the status of local artists and musicians.
The plan is that the artists from two cities will bring performances in the other city occa-sionally from September 2012 to May 2013.
In Hong Kong, the event will be planned and organized by CM(Contemporary Musiking, and the performance will be hosted by the Hong Kong Arts Centre.
In Shanghai, the event will be planned and organized by BM (Body&Music), and the performance will be hosted by Rockbund Art Museum.“Sonic Transmission” is a sound performance exchange project, which is originated by two sound artists-Jiahui Yang( Samson Yang, teacher in School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong, Art Director of Contemporary Musiking (www.contemporarymusiking.com), and Yi Yin, director of Shanghai BM space (www.bmspace.org) .
As an art project, “Sonic Transmission” is intended to provide a communication stage for the artists who work on Live sound performance between Shanghai and Hong Kong through exchange series performance by the artists in Shanghai and Hong Kong,to let more people know the current situation of Live sound performance and the status of local artists and musicians.
The plan is that the artists from two cities will bring performances in the other city occa-sionally from September 2012 to May 2013.
In Hong Kong, the event will be planned and organized by CM(Contemporary Musiking, and the performance will be hosted by the Hong Kong Arts Centre.
In Shanghai, the event will be planned and organized by BM (Body&Music), and the performance will be hosted by Rockbund Art Museum.
RAM Sound:《声音传输》 交流项目 第一场 :海景的怀念
《Sonic Transmission – 声音传输》是由两位声音艺术家:杨嘉辉(Samson Young 香港城市大学创意媒体学院教师,Contemporary Musiking的艺术总监)与殷漪(上海BM 艺术机构艺术总监)共同发起的声音表演交流项目。
《Sonic Transmission – 声音传输》作为一个艺术项目意在通过香港和上海艺术家互换系列演出,为两地从事与“现场声音表演”相关工作的艺术家提供交流合作的平台;在艺术家展示自己的作品、创作理念、艺术美学的同时, 在“ 现场”不断发生的前提下, 让更多的人了解“ 现场声音表演”当下的现状以及本地艺术家音乐家的工作状态。
我们计划从2012年9月至2013年5月不定期地交换两地艺术家到对方城市进行演出活动。在香港,由CM(Contemporary Musiking)策划组织,香港艺术中心主办演出活动。在上海,由BM (Body&Music)策划组织,上海外滩美术馆主办演出活动。
声音艺术家、田野录音工作者。毕业于香港城市大学创意媒体学院。探索声音的种种, 从而尝试建立对声音的哲理与语法, 将声音看待为欲望的投射, 挥之不去的记忆与经验。罗氏声音作品在香港、内地、日本和墨西哥出版。自2008年开始, 曾经参与本地与海外展览如Hong Kong Sound Station (2009)、EMERGEANDSEE Media Art Festival (2010)、P/S Central (2010) 和Hong Kong InDependent Film Festival 2010 等。而由2010年开始, 罗氏参与《旋转三途川》(2009, 与郭嘉源、陈冠而合作)、《卖飞佛时代》(2009)、《448个黑色姿势》和《女身飨宴》(2011); 其中以《旋转三途川》获得Sidekick 牛棚实验剧场节的评审团大奖。
The Mustangs in Social Modulator(马氏社会调制器)
组建于2011年9月, T M I S M是上海声音艺术家徐程和黄磊的工业视觉、声音表演计划。以古董电子硬件为工具,追随着THROBBING GRISTLE、CABARET VOLTAIRE、CHRIS & COSEY、RICHARD H. KIRK等英国工业噪音先锋们的步伐制造着实验、迷幻、氛围、噪音相混合的视听体验。2012年9月将出版首张DVD(r),收录四集作品,包括现场演出记录和工作室作品。
本次活动亦得到ArtsNetworkAsia和BM SPACE的支持