Audio-Visualcannot be readily interpreted in Chinese. ‘视听’, which means ‘look’ and ‘listen’ separately, has been habitually used for almost thirty years in Chinese. People can tell the pros and cons from the expression. It also indicates that the global cultural is rather based on visual culture.
In sound performances which are along with images and videos, the relations and connections between audio-visual are justified. The Chinese title of this event is ‘非礼勿视/听’, where appears a very important character ‘理’. Here it means ‘Imitation of Nature’ or ‘Science’. But Audio-Visual, such kind of sound-image-video performing art originates from ‘Sound and Hearing’, in the process of which the digital technology makes everything happen. Thus is this actually a reaction or a revolution, an improvement of digital visual art or a bad bunch of music performances based on computers? We are looking forward that artists and artistic groups invited from all over the world could somewhat explore these questions by this great joint performance. They use automatic computer programs or just apply easily-accessible natural matters as part of their artistic languages.
Audio-Visual 在中文里没有贴切的对应翻译。近30年来,中文的语言习惯中总是说“视听”,视觉和听觉的孰轻孰重可见一斑。这也暗合全球文化是以视觉文化为大背景。