Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

RAM Salon: Book Club: Marks of Wars on Our Daily Life RAM沙龙: 读书会:日常生活中硝烟的痕迹

Event Information

Date: 19 June 2016
Time: 06:30 08:30
Venue: RAM Studio
Language: Chinese


日期: 2016年 6月 19日
时间: 06:30 08:30
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆工作室
语言: 中文

The two world wars have left wounds and memories to all Asian countries. Events in the war have made inevitable or coincidental impact on the cultures of all the countries engaged in war, while local assimilation has imprinted this imported culture with distinctive regional differences. As is mentioned in the works of Koki Tanaka, during the World War II American troops stationed in Japan introduced basketball into popular culture of Japanese youth. What unnoticed influences has war brought to our daily life? What kind of reflections -- in terms of the nature of war and the history and status quo of countries engaged in war -- can be inspired from scrutinizing these influences? What form do recollections of war take in daily language passed from mouth to mouth?
