J-Town Physical Guerrillas
Performer: J-Town Physical Guerrillas
Attention: Attendants 100 only, online reservation (one for one/two) required, ticket:50RMB/person to buy onsite.
Free to RAM Member
6:30pm Reception with drinks and snacks
7:00-9:00pm Performance+ After Talk
J-Town Physical Guerrillas was founded by artist Li Ning in 1997, whose works rooted in reality but beyond documenting only, and to surpass the Chinese realism theatra and the western dancing theatre ultimately, thus one "Physical Sketching Theatre" was born, to which only the J-Town and every participant belong.
J-Town established recognization towards their artistic achievement worldwide through their consistant explore and trans-disipline practices in the fields including theatre and cinema.
Introduction of works:
J-Town moved their studio into the mountain area in south Ji Nan province in 2012, they live and exercize there. With time pass by, one "drama" started to grow naturally, which explores the physicality and reflects the experiences of the earth, organism, circulation and conservation of energy, redifines the various sensations e.g. what one can see, hear and smell.
LI Ning
Theater director, film director, sculptor, physical performance artist.
As more and more of his works receive awards from and invitations to leading art and film festivals, 40-year-old Li Ning has already become one of the China’s leading figures in experimental film and physical theater. After entering the sculpture program at Shandong Art School in 1993, he began studying modern dance and performance with renowned choreographer Jin Xing. In 1997 he founded his own physical arts collective “J-town Physical Guerrillas ” which has performed throughout Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau among others, and for the past twelve years, Li’s “Made in J-town Film Lab” has lead the way in pushing China’s boundaries of exploration in film and performance.
Li’s creative works as well as his critical analysis about art have circulated widely among and made a significant impact on the younger generation of China’s creative community. As part of his long-term creative development, Li is developing ways to interweave three strands into an entirely new pedagogy and curriculum of physical training he calls “Drawing Life Theater”: researching new ways of training the body, creating work based on one’s personal background, and visual arts theories of observation. The goal is to create a training method that would allow non-professionals to quickly enter the realm of performing arts as performers while also being useful for professionally trained artists. Currently he is practicing this training method in various schools and community centers throughout China in order to build a bridge between average citizens and the contemporary arts.
The end of the year, He received the support of the International Foundation, to complete his work. Such as:
"Doen Found". Netherlands,“Young Choreographers Project”
“Chin-A-Moves”, The European Union cultural project supports.
“Indie Cinema Fund”,Beijing,China
费用:50元/人(现场付款) 美术馆会员免费
6:30pm 备有饮料和小食的欢迎会
7:00-9:00pm 演出以及演后谈
褪去了鲜明的城市狂躁性,也不再有宣泄式的呐喊、愤怒。这次,李凝看起来更为柔和更为内敛,实际是充满力量又纯净的作品。——肖竞 《北京青年周刊》
随着越来越多的作品受邀于重要的艺术节(或电影节)上发表并频获奖项或引发争议,李凝已成为中国肢体剧场与实验电影领域的代表人物,毕业于美术学院雕塑专业,1997年成立自己的艺术团体“凌云焰肢体游击队”,巡回演出于北京、上海、香港、欧洲....再到他如今已经走向世界的“j城制造”(Made In J-town )电影实验室,15年来始终进行着中国剧场和电影界最前沿的探索研究。
因为凌云焰独特的艺术创造力,使他多次获得各国基金会的资助以完成其剧场或电影作品,比如荷兰的Done Foundation(曾于2006、2007、2008,3年连续给予李凝和凌云焰支持),欧盟文化项目Chin-A-Moves,以及中国独立电影基金Indie Cinema Fund等等.