Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Between Gaps 缝隙

Event Information

Date: 10 April 2021
Time: 05:30 10:30
Venue: RAM Station
Speaker: Lv Wenting LWT, yuchenghsiao
Language: Chinese


日期: 2021年 4月 10日
时间: 05:30 10:30
场馆: RAM空间站
主讲人: 吕文婷LWT,yuchenghsiao
语言: 中文

About Paper Laboratory 关于纸张实验室

Between Gaps

Riso Machine


Between Gaps

Riso Machine


During the long course of human civilization, paper has always been considered of paramount importance. It is almost ubiquitous in our life in a variety of forms: books, letters, paintings, food packaging and greeting cards, etc. More than a medium to contain information, paper is also deemed as a material that inspires emotions. Thin as a piece of paper is, it gives out a unique sense of subtlety and delicacy which could be perceived when we touch, flip, observe and smell it. Such is the charisma of paper. However, the rise of digital technologies has made a profound change on how people communicate and share information. When is the last time we read a paper book or send a paper greeting card? Moreover, the outbreak of the pandemic has further deepened our dependence on a lifestyle heavily online. People are asked to avoid physical contact and most of the communication nowadays is conducted digitally. As we are now trying to gain our normal life back, we hope that through the medium of “paper” we could inspire people to reconsider the relationship between man and the world, and to encourage people to communicate, express and make their voice heard.


About the Instructors 关于导师

Between Gaps

Instructors' work


Between Gaps

Instructors' work


Between Gaps

Instructors' work


Between Gaps

Instructors' work


Lv Wenting LWT

Graduated from the Faculty of Printmaking, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 2012, obtained a postgraduate diploma in French Art Direction, currently working and living in Beijing. Lv Wenting is a designer, artist and the principal of bonbonmuseum studio, bonbonmuseum: in French, “bonbon” means “candy”, translated as “Pinballs”, traveling in the gaps between space and time, becoming a carrier that accommodates and connects independent creations, art books, life aesthetics and design products, displaying a same scenery with different mediums. Bonbonédition is bonbonmuseum self-owned publisher, its works always explore the connections among individuals, groups and nature in humorous, relaxing and poetic way.


yuchenghsiao is a Beijing-based graphic designer, who's loves to capturing humorous images of everyday life. She experiments and researches the various possibilities of Risograph in her spare time.

吕文婷 LWT
2012年毕业于四川美术学院版画系, 2017年获得法国艺术指导研究生文凭, 现工作生活于北京。吕文婷是设计师、艺术家和bonbonmuseum设计艺术工作室主理人, bonbonmuseum:"bonbon"在法文中是"糖果"的意思,其译之为"弹珠",在空间与时间的缝隙中穿行,成为一个容纳并连接独立创作、艺术书、生活美学与设计产品的载体, 通过不同媒介,叙述着同一景观。
