Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆
As a Preview / Fable of the Continuous Present 作为现在进行式的预/寓言
Event Information
Date: 21 December 2019
Time: 11:00 – 13:30
Venue: Shanghai Study Centre, The University of Hong Kong
Speaker: GUO Lixin
Language: Chinese
日期: 2019年 12月 21日
时间: 11:00 – 13:30
场馆: 香港大学上海学习中心
主讲人: 郭力昕
语言: 中文
About the Event 关于活动
What possible changes, landscapes or phenomena will be brought to Taiwan in the next decade from now? Ten Years Taiwan features five shorts with different themes that predict what could happen to Taiwan in the future. However, no matter The Can of Anido as the plight of a meagre living of Yami people on Orchid Island, the migrant labors raped by their employers, those disillusioned and unemployed youths from Yunlin coastal area, the drastic reduction of birth rate in future Taiwan, as well as those who lost themselves in customized dreams, these have all already existed or are occurring in Taiwanese society just now. Building upon such existing social phenomena, how could these young filmmakers in Taiwan present a dystopian vision of Taiwan and deepen these topics? On the other hand, the fictionality of prophesy or allegory is often used to imply the unstated political reality which is delivered in Ten Years Thailand. Although Taiwanese filmmakers are no longer conditioned to the space of expression, they still convey the obscure political implications. In order to re-examine Ten Years Taiwan, we might start from consider their intentions and meanings.
十年后的台湾社会,会有哪些可能的变貌、呈现怎样的风景或现象?《十年台湾》中的五部短片,以不同的主题对于可见的未来做了一些描述或预言。但无论降临兰屿达悟族人的“恶灵罐头”核废料、被僱主强暴的外籍移工、云林沿海地区无所事事的青少年、没有人想生孩子的人口负成长社会,或者无法安睡又噩梦不醒的女子,都是台湾社会已经存在或正在发生的问题。建立在这些既有现象上,导演们如何创造想像、深化议题?预言或寓言的虚构性, 常常是为了指涉不能直说的政治现实,例如在《十年泰国》里的一些杰作;然而,台湾的创作者已拥有“可说”的表述空间,而他们使用的一些隐喻仍然隐晦,何故?我们或可从这个问题出发,反思《十年台湾》。
About the Speaker 关于讲者
GUO Lixin, PhD from Department of Media and Communication, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK and also a critic specializing on Taiwanese films and media. GUO is currently a professor and dean of the School of Communication at National Chengchi University in Taiwan. His publications include Television Criticism and Media Observation, New Channel: Television, Communication and Mass Culture, Written Photography: Text and Culture of Photographs, Rewriting Photography, A Real Inquiry: Documentary Politics and Depoliticisation, Creating the Meaning: the Language, Power, and Cultural Politics in the Realistic Photography, etc.