Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

RAM Brunch: Bumper Feast--Rouyù depicted in Ancient and Contemporary Art History RAM Brunch:盛宴——古今浮映的肉yù

Event Information

Date: 20 April 2019
Time: 03:00 04:30
Venue: Rockbund Art Museum
Speaker: Rachel Chen, Xie Wanwan
Language: Chinese


日期: 2019年 4月 20日
时间: 03:00 04:30
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆
主讲人: 陈佩珊、谢玩玩
语言: 中文

About the Talk 关于讲座

Meat is an incessantly emerging theme in art history, and its image is extensively employed in the traditional visual narrative to celebrate represent the food value of animal body or praise the ideal human body. Some pre-modern societies that are dominated by religions equated appetite with a desire for fleshliness, and regards this fleshliness as a taboo that stood in the way of seeking truth and longevity. Similar concepts have influences on what humans have established as social ethics and dietary habits, resulting in distinct meat-eating cultures in different regions.

RAM Brunch aims to host a laid-back and intellectually engaging brunch party, and will invite Rachel Chen, a curator, and Xie Wanwan, a writer, to come along with participants to take a bite of the specifically selected meat dishes assortment while sharing a kaleidoscope of views and tales about meat-eating cultures inside Tobias Rehberger’s butcher shop, where the whole space which is covered with dazzling patterns.


RAM Brunch旨在组织一场轻松雅趣的早午餐会,届时邀请策展人陈佩珊与作家谢玩玩与观众共同置身艺术家托比亚斯·雷贝格的“肉铺”中,在布满眩目图像的空间里品尝特别选定的肉制食品,分享彼此对肉食文化于不同领域的见解与逸闻。


About the Speakers 关于讲者

Rachel Chen, Curator with a Master’s degree in Administration of International Design and Communication from the University of Warwick in the UK. She previously served as a media and advertising planner at China’s Internet giant Tencent in Guangzhou. Chen launched the WeChat official account “Onedaystand” focusing on art in 2017, and co-founded OneLightArt, an exhibition agency, in June 2018 in Shenzhen. She has curated a number of successful exhibitions, such as “Rose Magazine & Blue 50 Global Debut: Blue Koh Solo Exhibition (Shanghai Station)”, “Rose Magazine: the First Exhibition of Blue Koh in China”, “Sky Carpet: Gao Guofu Solo Exhibition”, and “Yu Lu: Are You as Paranoid and Willful as Me”. Chen is recognized as an excellent respondent of art-related questions on Zhihu, the Chinese version of Quora. Specialized in Western art history, she has a particular interest and profound understanding in ancient and modern Austrian and German cultures, including painting, music, history, and philosophy.

Xie Wanwan, Writer and contract speaker for the “A Good Book in 8 Minutes” project launched by Fan Deng Readers’ Club. She holds a Bachelor of Engineering from Central South University (China) and a Master’s degree in Finance from Loughborough University (UK). Specialized in the research of the Chinese culture during the 2nd to 6th century, Xie has published over one million words on the Beijing Youth Daily and a number of social media platforms including historytalking, atmuseum, and wenshiyan80s. Some of her articles have been republished by the state-run magazine National Humanity History. She has also published Chanting with Wine, a collection of ancient Chinese poems, and the Cognitive Restructuring (2019).

陈佩珊,策展人。英国华威大学国际设计传播管理硕士,曾于广州腾讯任职媒体广告策划,2017年书写艺术公众号Onedaystand,2018年6月深圳一粲艺术OneLightArt联合创始人。曾策展《高蓝个展上海站:玫瑰·杂·志暨#Blue 50#全球首发》,《高蓝中国首展:玫瑰·杂·志》,《高国甫个展:天毯》,《禹露:你是不是和我一样的偏执任性》。知乎艺术类优秀回答者。主要研究方向为西方艺术史,特别对古今奥地利及德国文化,包括绘画、音乐、历史、哲学较有兴趣和心得。
