Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Raise It Up: Model City-Young Architects Workshops 动起来!“模型城市”儿童建筑工作坊成果展

Event Information

Date: 29 June 2012
Time: 02:00 10:00
Venue: RAM Studio


日期: 2012年 6月 29日
时间: 02:00 10:00
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆工作室


Exhibition Dates: 29thJune-15thJuly 2012 (10:00-18:00, Tuesday-Sunday, Closed on Monday)

Curator: Gosia Grubba-Kleimeer

Address: RAM Studio, NO.67 Huqiu Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

In connection to the themes of the exhibition Model Home: A Proposition by Michael Lin, Rockbund Art Museum and Gosia Grubba-Kleimeer, a Dutch artist and educator, jointly launched the Raise It Up: Model City Workshop Series. The series took place from May till June and comprised of two parts. The first part featured a series of architectural and city planning workshops on which we worked with three local schools East Beijing Road Primary School, Jinxin Primary School and Shanghai Community International School. In addition, the Museum also organized two short sessions of Model City - Collage Workshop at weekends for individual families.

The aim of the project was to encourage students to apply new approaches and perspectives in their observation of the city and their surroundings. It also encouraged the students to recycle packaging materials from their homes to be used to build their designs in a creative way while cultivating an awareness that the wastes can be recycled and turned into an impressive work of art.

This project also gave a response to the collaborative pattern of the exhibition Model Home in that the students were not only expected to build on their imagination and get hands-on with the building models, they also “built from the scratch” a city in its entirety on the same base board or canvas. During these workshops, the students had to be a team player in the sense that after having completed their own work, they had to take into consideration the sizes and functions of their peers and adopted an urban planner’s point of view in devising and tweaking once again the layout of their own building. For them this was an experience completely different from what was traditionally taught in a classroom. This project promoted a collaboration-based pedagogy which worked successfully to spur on the interest in learning with a particular emphasis on trying out and testing the efficacy of “learning as a group” and its application in a collaborative setting.

And finally, to celebrate the success of the project, the Rockbund Art Museum hold the exhibition Raise It Up: Model City - Young Architects Workshops curated by Gosia Grubba-Kleimeer to display the results of the project so that the participating kids can share with their fellow classmates, friends, parents, teachers and the public the pleasant taste of a memorable success. Thanks for the Dutch Consulate General in Shanghai’s generous support for this project.


展期:2012年6月29日-7月15日( 周二至周日:10:00-18:00,周一休馆)

策展人:Gosia Grubba - Kleimeer

地点:RAM Studio,虎丘路67号,黄浦区,上海

5-6月《样板屋:2012林明弘》展览期间,上海外滩美术馆与荷兰儿童教育专家Gosia Grubba - Kleimeer一同开展了“动起来:‘模型城市’”系列工作坊。本次工作坊主要分两个部分:第一是为期一个月的建筑模型搭建工作坊,由北京东路小学、金新小学和上海长宁国际学校,美术馆同仁与Grubba共同完成。此外,美术馆特别为普通家庭开放了两场周末的短期“模型城市-拼贴工作坊”。

活动主办方希望通过本次活动,教授学生们用全新的方法和不同的视角观察城市和身处的环境。孩子们还被鼓励回收一周内生活的废弃品来“ 造”出自己的创意房子,同时也让孩子们意识到生活中的废旧物可以再次被利用并转化成“艺术品”。

