Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Performance: Sonic Transmission VOL.2 RAM Sound表演:声音传输第二场

Event Information

Date: 17 November 2012
Time: 11:00 11:00
Venue: 1F, Associate Mission Building


日期: 2012年 11月 17日
时间: 11:00 11:00
场馆: 协进大楼1F

Céric Maridet, The Mustangs in Social Modulator


RAM Sound Performance: Sonic Transmission VOL.2

Admission Free. Reservation is required.

This new four channel sound diffusion takes root in sound compositions presented in the current solo exhibition of Cédric Maridet in 2P contemporary Art Gallery in Hong Kong entitled DistinctFactures, a return from Langsdorff, which appoints the theoretical concept of transforming the gallery space into a Wunderkammer, a chamber of curiosity that fascinated many predecessors inthe Renaissance.

Recently returned from residencies led by a focused field recording practice in the rainforest in Brazil and in Penang’s National Park, Maridet takes The Langsdorff Expedition (1826-1829) led by Baron von Langsdorff in Brazilian Amazon as an analogy to directly evoke the scientific and methodical undertone of the encyclopedic approach in his works.

In this performative context, Langsdorff is explored as a fictitious land, an inner landscape, through field recordings, readings of fauna and flora scientific taxonomies, or Karl Von Frish’s scientific protocols studying bees’ language, as a way to represent nodes of opportunity and open pathways to new potentials of knowledge, representation, imagination and narratives; to create a new syntax of the world.

Exhaustive sources of sensual experience and the overlapping yet different animalities within an intricate internal landscape are taken collectively as to exhaust the limitless representation possibilities and to seek to get out of oneself through a work of defamiliarisation in creating alternatively a distinct facture to delineate the world.

About the Artists

Cédric Maridet is an artist, theorist and researcher. He completed his Doctorate degree in Media Art in 2009 at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. His solo and collaborative works have been presented internationally. “I was thinking to use 4 channels for a more immersive sound experience, so that I could diffuse sounds. Ultimately, I could be placed in the middle of the room, with the audience placed around me facing out. Thank you to let me know about the feasibility of this. It seism to be the right time for me to play at RAM, as it seems that they have currently an exhibition that matches the work I have done for my current solo exhibition, from which I will extract material for the performance. In any case, I am happy to present my work in Shanghai.”

The Mustangs in Social Modulator was founded by Xu Chen and Hxang in September 2011. TMISM is the industrial vision and sound performance project of Xu Chen and Huang Lei, Shanghai sound artists. Following British early industrial, avant-garde pioneers, they produce mixed audio-visual experience of experiment, psychedelic, ambient and noise with antique electronic hardwares.

Dà Xiǎo/Hxang

Born in Anhui Province. He is a sound/video experimenter and a member of the Mustangs in Social Modulator, living in Shanghai currently.

The circuit interference with body is to combine body movement and reflection with circuit perturbation, creating the sympathetic voice. The incentive and twinge of low-voltage current and piercing soldering dot trigger the image circuit of subconscious body movement so as to bring more indefinite sound.

Xu Cheng

Born in Shanghai in 1980. He is a sound artist.

He has been creating various sound since 1999, including musique concrete, collage, electro-acoustic music, noise, ambient, free improvisation and so on.

In 2003, his works was recorded in the first Chinese sound artist collection Chinese Sound Art. In 2005, he founded NOIShanghai with JUNKY, a noise musician, to popularize the avant-garde music, which has already organized over 40 performances by experimental noise artists throughout the world. In the same year, he joined the important harsh noise group, Torturing Nurse, engaging in more than 100 performances and recording over 200 albums.

In 2010, he joined Free Music Collective of Shanghai.

In 2012, his works Scape-Sequencer won Award of Distinction in Prix Ars Electronica in Austria.

This event is supported by ArtsNetworkAsia and BM SPACE

Cédric Maridet, 马氏社会调制器



新的四声道扩散方式根植于Cédric Maridet目前在香港2P当代艺术画廊举办的个展Distinct Factures, a return from Langsdorff中的声乐作品。该展览呈现了将画廊空间改造成一个珍宝陈列室、一个奇异展示厅的理论概念,那是一种在文艺复兴时期令许多人深深着迷的展示新知的房间。

最近Maridet从巴西雨林和马来西亚槟城国家公园的住所归来,在那里他进行了集中野外采集实践。他想象冯·兰斯道夫男爵(Baron von Langsdorff)在巴西亚马逊森林进行的Langsdorff探险(1826-1829),以此为类比,直接唤起他作品中在运用了百科全书式的方法之后,潜在的科学和系统的含义。

在表述行为的语境下,Maridet将Langsdorff作为一块虚构的陆地,一个内在的景观来探索,透过野外声音采集、解读动植物分类系统的方式,或运用Karl Von Frish研究蜜蜂语言的科学试验报告,为知识、表现、想象和叙述之间展现交叉的可能性、开放新的途径,创造新的沟通方式。



Cédric Maridet 是一位声音艺术家、理论家和研究者。2009年,他在香港城市大学创意媒体学院获得了媒介艺术的博士学位。他的个人作品及合作作品在国际上被广泛呈现。“我想通过四声道的形式来创造一种更令人沉浸其中的声音体验,从而扩散声音。最终,我将在房间的中央,而观众围着我面朝外。感谢你们让我知道了这个想法的可行性。我认为这次恰好在外滩美术馆表演,且因为现在的展览似乎正好与我为自己个展所做的作品相契合,从作品中我能为表演提取相关素材。无论如何,我非常高兴来上海展示我的作品。 ”

马氏社会调制器,由徐程和大小组建于2011年9月。T M I S M 是上海声音艺术家徐程和黄磊的工业视觉、声音表演计划。以古董电子硬件为工具,追随着英国早期工业噪音先锋们的步伐制造着实验、迷幻、氛围、噪音相混合的视听体验。


安徽人,現居上海。聲音/影像實驗愛好者,the Mustangs in Social Modulator成員。






noise团体Torturing Nurse,成为主要成员并参与了超过100场演出及200张以上唱片的录制。

2010年加入上海自由即兴音乐社团“上海自由音乐联盟-Free Music Collective Of Shanghai”。

2012年 视听作品“Scape-Sequencer"获Ars Electronica 奥地利电子艺术奖项之声音艺术部分杰出作品奖。

本次活动亦得到ArtsNetworkAsia和BM SPACE的支持