Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Film Premiere 新影像发布

Event Information

Date: 4 November 2022
Time: 11:00 14:00
Venue: 1F, Ampire & Co. Building
Speaker: Cheng Xinhao, Han Qian, Liang Jianhua, Ou Feihong, Pan He, Taobike Nizamiddin, Wan Qing, Zhang Zimu
Language: Chinese


日期: 2022年 11月 4日
时间: 11:00 14:00
场馆: 安培洋行 1楼
主讲人: 程新皓、韩倩、梁健华、欧飞鸿、潘赫、陶比科·尼扎米丁、万青、张子木
语言: 中文

This new image launch for 44 Moon News will see the release of two films, Image Relay Writing Part 4, Dreams are for Awakening, and the parallel narrative film Three Dollfish in the Basement, with a live link-up with the creators and performers after the film screening. The post-screening talk will feature guests including Cheng Xinhao, Han Qian, Liang Jianhua, Ou Feihong, Pan He, Taubiko Nizameddine, Wan Qing and Zhang Zimu.



第一轮:张子木 程新皓 严瑞芳 陶比科·尼扎米丁 陈思思
第二轮:程新皓 张子木 严瑞芳 陶比科·尼扎米丁 陈思思



陈思思,安徽芜湖人,独立影像创作者,代表作品民族志纪录短片《欢墟》,获FIRST青年电影展特别提及,并入围蒙大拿Big Sky Documentary Festival等电影节展,上海封城纪录短片《窗台日志》。期望不断探索实验性影像联结个体体验与真实社会现场。

程新皓,1985 年出生于云南。2013 年毕业于北京大学化学与分子工程学院,获博士学位。现作为艺术家工作生活于云南昆明。他的作品通常基于长期的田野调查,并均与故乡云南相关。通过身体在场的工作方式,程新皓使用录像、装置、摄影与文字等媒介,体察不同来源的逻辑、话语、知识与其背后自然、社会、历史,及镶嵌于其中的行动者之间的复调链接。近年来,他的长期项目包括与跨境族群莽人相关的“陌生地形"(2013-),与滇越铁路相关的 “致海洋"(2018-),与流动及口传文学传统相关的“云南故事集"(2021-)等。

陶比科·尼扎米丁,维吾尔族电影人,祖籍阿图什,北京电影学院导演系硕士毕业。导演,编剧,制片多部短片,聚焦于本民族当下语境叙事。短片作品《阿尔祖之夜》 提名 2017年第54 届金马奖最佳剧情短片;获得第 14 届中国独立影像展 CIFF 最佳短片。短片《玛丽亚的海滩》入围第 48 届鹿特丹电影节 voice短片竞赛单元,并在第 24 届釜山国际电影节 Community 单元展映。2020 年底赴法国学习,工作。现为巴黎第八大学电影制作系研究生。

严瑞芳,香港艺术家,毕业于香港中文大学艺术硕士。她是艺术家营运的慈善机构天台塾联合创办人,以及艺术家组织 L sub 的成员。严瑞芳运用媒介包括摄影、录像、声音、表演和装置,探讨个人与社会之间拉扯的关系,思考个体性与集体性的联结,并着力研究如何透过艺术行动察验人在群己中的潜能。严氏获得2019/2020艺术新秀奖(视觉艺术),于2018年获得WYNG 大师摄影奖,以及香港摄影样本书奖2021二奖 。她近年参与的项目及展览包括:“圆缺具乐部"(2022,大馆当代美术馆,香港)、“我身于我城" (2021,歌德书院,香港)、国际艺术家电影(AFI) 系列放映(2019,伦敦白教堂美术馆,英国)等。



编剧:万青 44月报
主演:欧飞鸿 张涵露 伍勤 程新皓 韩倩 潘赫 梁健华 冯俊华 万青




About the Event 关于活动

This new image launch for 44 Moon News will see the release of two films, Image Relay Writing Part 4, Dreams are for Awakening, and the parallel narrative film Three Dollfish in the Basement, with a live link-up with the creators and performers after the film screening. Guests for the post-screening talk will be Cheng Xinhao, Han Qian, Liang Jianhua, Ou Feihong, Pan He, Taubiko Nizamiuddin, Wan Qing and Zhang Zimu.

Screening I

The fourth part of 44 Monthly's video relay writing, Dreams are for Awakening
2022, 16 minutes 25 seconds
Artists (in order of relay).
Round 1: Zhang Zimu, Cheng Xinhao, Yan Ruifang, Taubiko Nizamiuddin, Chen Sisi
Round 2: Cheng Xinhao, Zhang Zimu, Yan Ruifang, Taubiko Nizamiuddin, Cecilia Chen

The friends of Theatre 44 carry out this installment of the 44 Image Relay with the mindset of picking up the pieces, reorganizing the narrative, and giving the next person a challenge without any burden: "Slowing down, stopping, then backing up, then speeding up again, back to square one, history keeps repeating itself, and a large step of humanity may not be a linear scale. Everyone's consciousness gradually matrixes, suspended in dotted compartments in one camp after another, waiting until Judgement Day arrives to remove the mask, only to discover that my next-door neighbour is missing a mouth, the child about to be born in my belly, is missing an ear, while I cover my eyes in terror and the silence around me is a noise towards madness".

But don't worry, the present moment in time could be an illusion, trying to come to terms with the dense dizziness. With eyes open and images traversing, Pan Yuliang's journey across a hundred years of women still cannot really be reached, the answer lies in the dusty tofu of cosmopolitans, among the ruins of old and new, in the horizontal spreading of the railway tracks and the deep intersection of the port, in the parallax of the left and right eye.

About the artist
Chen Sisi, a native of Wuhu, Anhui Province, is an independent video creator, whose representative work, the ethnographic documentary short film Huan Ruins, received a special mention at the FIRST Youth Film Festival and was selected for film festivals such as the Big Sky Documentary Festival in Montana, and the Shanghai Sealed City documentary short film Window Sill Journal. He hopes to continue exploring experimental images that link individual experiences with real social scenes.

Cheng Xinhao was born in Yunnan in 1985 and graduated from the School of Chemical and Molecular Engineering at Peking University in 2013 with a PhD. He now lives and works as an artist in Kunming, Yunnan. His works are often based on long-term field research and are all related to his homeland Yunnan. Working in physical presence, Cheng Xinhao uses the media of video, installation, photography and text to investigate the complex links between the logic, discourse and knowledge of different sources and the nature, society and history behind them, and the actors embedded in them. In recent years, his long-term projects include "Strange Terrain" (2013-) in relation to the cross-border Mang people, "To the Ocean" (2018-) in relation to the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, and "Yunnan Story Collection" (2021-) in relation to mobility and oral literary traditions.

Taubiko Nizamiuddin is a Uyghur filmmaker, originally from Atushi, with a master's degree in directing from the Beijing Film Academy. He is a director, scriptwriter and producer of several short films, focusing on the narrative of his people in the present context. His short film Night of Arzu was nominated for the Best Drama Short Film at the 54th Golden Horse Awards in 2017 and won the Best Short Film at the 14th China Independent Film Festival CIFF. Maria's Beach was selected for the 48th Rotterdam Film Festival's Voice Short Film Competition and screened in the Community section of the 24th Busan International Film Festival. He is currently a postgraduate student at the University of Paris VIII, Department of Cinematography.

YIM Shui-fong is a Hong Kong artist who graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Fine Arts degree. She is the co-founder of the artist-run charity Tendaijuku and a member of the artist organisation L sub. Using media such as photography, video, sound, performance and installation, Yim explores the relationship between the individual and society, considers the connection between individuality and collectivity, and investigates how to detect the potential of people within themselves through artistic action. Yim was awarded the 2019/2020 Art New Talent Award (Visual Arts), the WYNG Master Photography Award in 2018, and the Hong Kong Photo Sample Book Award 2021 2nd Prize. Her projects and exhibitions in recent years include: "Round and Out Club" (2022, Grand Museum Contemporary Art Gallery, Hong Kong), "I Am in My City" (2021, Goethe-Institut, Hong Kong), and the Artists' Film International (AFI) screening series (2019, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK).

Zhang Zimu, researcher, curator and author of moving images, focuses on the ecological and social nature of images and video activities.

Screening Film II

Three Dollfish in the Basement
Director: Wan Qing
Screenplay: Wan Qing 44 Monthly
Starring Ou Feihong, Zhang Hanlu, Wu Qin, Cheng Xinhao, Han Qian, Pan He, Liang Jianhua, Feng Junhua, Wan Qing

Plot Synopsis
In the reincarnation office, "people" will face two questions through common labour and perception, negotiation and disagreement: man or woman? New man or real man? --A process that has been going on for 3,000 years.

This film is a parallel narrative to the collective project "Yuliang Out of the Tofu Factory" in the "Good Life" exhibition at the Bund Museum of Art in Shanghai.

About the director
Wan Qing is a video and astrologer who travels mainly between Guangzhou and the Wuling Mountains.



第一轮:张子木 程新皓 严瑞芳 陶比科·尼扎米丁 陈思思
第二轮:程新皓 张子木 严瑞芳 陶比科·尼扎米丁 陈思思



陈思思,安徽芜湖人,独立影像创作者,代表作品民族志纪录短片《欢墟》,获FIRST青年电影展特别提及,并入围蒙大拿Big Sky Documentary Festival等电影节展,上海封城纪录短片《窗台日志》。期望不断探索实验性影像联结个体体验与真实社会现场。

程新皓,1985 年出生于云南。2013 年毕业于北京大学化学与分子工程学院,获博士学位。现作为艺术家工作生活于云南昆明。他的作品通常基于长期的田野调查,并均与故乡云南相关。通过身体在场的工作方式,程新皓使用录像、装置、摄影与文字等媒介,体察不同来源的逻辑、话语、知识与其背后自然、社会、历史,及镶嵌于其中的行动者之间的复调链接。近年来,他的长期项目包括与跨境族群莽人相关的“陌生地形"(2013-),与滇越铁路相关的 “致海洋"(2018-),与流动及口传文学传统相关的“云南故事集"(2021-)等。

陶比科·尼扎米丁,维吾尔族电影人,祖籍阿图什,北京电影学院导演系硕士毕业。导演,编剧,制片多部短片,聚焦于本民族当下语境叙事。短片作品《阿尔祖之夜》 提名 2017年第54 届金马奖最佳剧情短片;获得第 14 届中国独立影像展 CIFF 最佳短片。短片《玛丽亚的海滩》入围第 48 届鹿特丹电影节 voice短片竞赛单元,并在第 24 届釜山国际电影节 Community 单元展映。2020 年底赴法国学习,工作。现为巴黎第八大学电影制作系研究生。

严瑞芳,香港艺术家,毕业于香港中文大学艺术硕士。她是艺术家营运的慈善机构天台塾联合创办人,以及艺术家组织 L sub 的成员。严瑞芳运用媒介包括摄影、录像、声音、表演和装置,探讨个人与社会之间拉扯的关系,思考个体性与集体性的联结,并着力研究如何透过艺术行动察验人在群己中的潜能。严氏获得2019/2020艺术新秀奖(视觉艺术),于2018年获得WYNG 大师摄影奖,以及香港摄影样本书奖2021二奖 。她近年参与的项目及展览包括:“圆缺具乐部"(2022,大馆当代美术馆,香港)、“我身于我城" (2021,歌德书院,香港)、国际艺术家电影(AFI) 系列放映(2019,伦敦白教堂美术馆,英国)等。



编剧:万青 44月报
主演:欧飞鸿 张涵露 伍勤 程新皓 韩倩 潘赫 梁健华 冯俊华 万青




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