March 22nd
11am – 13:30 pm CET
Introduction - an introduction to the project and its mode of working during the pandemic as a proposition towards interdependence by Biljana Ciric and Zdenka Badovinac
Screening of the film Awra Amba E(UTOPIA) by Salem Mekuria
About seventy years ago, Zumra Nuru was born into a traditional agrarian Muslim family in a remote village in Northern Ethiopia, near Awra Amba. He never went to school. As a child he started questioning why things were as unequal and unjust as he observed life in his village to be. He dreamt of a society where people could live in peace and full equality regardless of who they were. Fifty years ago, that dream materialized into what is now known as Awra Amba, a community based on true equality in all aspects of life and where religion is a private affair. This story introduces a revolutionary society thriving in the heart of a very conservative Ethiopia. With interviews and compelling scenes of the village and its people, Awra Amba’s (E)utopia will give us a glimpse into their unique lifestyle.
Robel Temesgen
The Addis Newspaper
Marija Glavas
March 23rd
11am – 13:00 pm CET
Disjointed Images from Afar and Fragmented Stories in Proximity
This day of presentations resist the single narrative of transformation that the regions we are engaging with are undergoing and propose to capture and unfold the personal and collective memories we share in our current moment, as well as the path we create for the future.
Moderator: Nikita Choi
Alex Ulko
Seeing the Invisible: Documenting and Interpreting China’s Cultural Presence in Uzbekistan
Hu Yun
Salem Mekuria
Special and Other Memories:Maskal Square’s contribution
March 25th
11am – 13:00 pm CET
Alternatives to new forms of geo-political and economical administration of localities and people: archiving, reacting, creating.
Day three panel will focus on the three study cases: Addis Ababa Riverbank project; Zijin Bor Mining complex and the infrastructure throughout the Balkan region; Lake Balkhash and its geo-political positions and water management.
Local research conducted through the As you go project reveals the complexities of the local context, giving insight to the new positions geographies of the margins can take in this new era unfolding before us.
Moderator: Larys Frogier
Jelica Jovanovic
Infrastructuring the Region. Materiality and Intangibility of the New Silk Road in Serbia
Sinkneh Eshetu, Berhanu, Aziza Abdul Fetah
The Danger of Ambition and Neglect: The Case of Beautifying Sheger Project
Aigerim Kapar
The many secret scapes of Balkhash Lake: a travelogue of the crossboundary contexts, communities and ecosystem
March 26th
11am – 13:00pm CET
Situated Research, Situated Practices
This day of the symposium utilises Donna Haraway’s 1988 essay: Situated knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective as its point of departure. Borrowing from Haraway’s title, this panel will further explore the situatedness within their local contexts and the practices embedded.
Moderator: Aigerim Kapar
Robert Bobnic and Kaja Kraner
Bor is burning: From mining to data mining in socialist Yugoslavia
Yabebal Fantaye
Astrobus-Ethiopia: A dynamic response to fast changing challenges and opportunities
Jasphy Zheng
Stories from the Room
March 30th
11am – 13:00pm CET
The importance of Ports
The panel explores complexities of Maritime Road ancient and current and its narrative created by different agents. The presentations will look at the different ports within in China coastal cities and histories told through museological display of public museums. Presentation by Nielson will look at the Piraeus, Kolkata and Valparaiso ports and its geo-political importance through infrostructure and technology built in period from 2012 to 2017.
Moderator: Sinkneh Eshetu
Nikita Choi
Performativity of a Guarded Globalization - How is the Maritime Silk Road represented in China’s Public Museums?
Brett Neilson
Logistical Worlds, or, Research before the Pandemic
March 31st
11am – 13:00pm CET
How we work together: a round table discussion of partner cells: Zdenka Badovinac, Aigerim Kapar, Robel Temesgen, Sinkneh Eshetu, Biljana Ciric, Dragan Stojmenovic, Nikita Choi
Final last day of symposium will be discussion between partner cells and their modes of working based of interdependence, right to opacity and horizontality.
For full information about the symposium and speaker’s presentations, please visit: