Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆
As you go… roads under your feet, towards the new future 要旅行,先修路。通向未来的路在你脚下
"As you go…roads under your feet, towards the new future" International Symposium / Live Stream “要旅行,先修路。通往未来的路在你脚下”国际研讨会/直播
Event Information
Date: 22 March 2021 – 31 March 2021
Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Venue: Online
Speaker: Biljana Ciric
Language: English
日期: 2021年 3月 22日 – 31 March 2021
时间: 10:00 – 12:00
场馆: 线上
主讲人: 比利安娜·思瑞克
语言: 英文
Main Symposium Presenters:
What Could Should Curating Do (
Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (
Organized by Biljana Ciric
DATES: March 22nd – 31st 2021
TIME: 11am Ljubljana time / 9pm Melbourne time/ 1pm Addis Ababa / 6pm Shanghai, Guangzhou / 4pm Astana
Participants: Zdenka Badovinac (curator, Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana); Robel Temesgen ( artist, Addis Ababa); Larys Frogier (director, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai ); Sinkneh Eshetu (writer,Addis Ababa); Marija Glavas (sociologist, Ljubljana); Berhanu (anthropologist, Canberra); Aigerim Kapar (interdependent curator, Astana); Jelica Jovanovic (architect, Belgrade); Hu Yun (artist, Melbourne); Jasphy Zheng (artist, Xia Men); Dragan Stojmenovic (Public Library, Bor); Nikita Choi (chief curator, Times Museum, Guangzhou); Robert Bobnic and Kaja Kraner (researchers, lecturers Ljubljana); Aziza Abdulfetah Busser (architect and academic, Addis Ababa); Alex Ulko (artist and researcher, Tashkent); Brett Neilson (professor Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University); Yabebal Fantaye (Astrophysicist and a data scientist, co-founder of the 10 Academy initiative, Addis Ababa), Salem Makuria (independent writer, producer, director, videographer, and professor in the Art Department at Wellesley College), Biljana Ciric (interdependent curator and founder of WCSCD)
日期:2021年3月22日 - 3月31日
时间:11:00 卢布尔雅那 / 21:00 墨尔本 / 13:00 亚的斯亚贝巴 / 18:00 上海,广州 / 16:00 阿斯塔纳
参与者:兹登卡·巴多维那茨(策展人, 现代艺术博物馆,卢布尔雅那); 罗贝尔·特梅斯根(艺术家,亚的斯亚贝巴); 拉瑞斯·弗洛乔(上海外滩美术馆馆长,上海); 辛克内·埃什图(写作者,亚的斯亚贝巴); 玛莉嘉·格拉瓦什(社会学家,卢布尔雅那); Berhanu(人类学家,堪培拉); 爱格丽·卡帕尔(独立策展人,阿斯塔纳); 耶利卡·约万诺维奇(建筑师,贝尔格莱德); 胡昀(艺术家,墨尔本); 郑亦然(艺术家,厦门);德拉甘·斯托梅诺维奇(博尔公共图书馆,博尔); 蔡影茜(时代美术馆首席策展人,广州); 罗伯特·波布尼克和卡亚·克雷纳(研究者,讲师,卢布尔雅那);阿齐扎·阿卜杜勒·菲塔(建筑师和学者, 亚的斯亚贝巴); 亚力克斯·乌尔克(艺术家和学者, 塔什干); 布雷特·尼尔森(文化和社会院教授, 西悉尼大学); 亚贝巴尔·范塔耶(天文学家和科学家,10 学院计划共同发起人,亚的斯亚贝巴); 撒勒姆·梅库利亚(独立写作者,制作人,导演,摄影师,维斯理学院艺术系教授), 比利安娜·思瑞克(独立策展人,WCSCD发起人)
About the Event 关于活动
As you go… roads under your feet, towards the new future symposium is the first public moment of sharing not only our research, but also our mode of working based on relationality and interdependence that we bring with us as we move forward.
As you go… roads under your feet, towards the new future is a long-term project and research centres around the unheard voices and raising awareness to the shared problems underlying different contexts, ranging from China to Balkan, from Ethiopia to Central Asia. Through building a collective knowledge platform organized around the principals of ‘organic cells’ of the research — the collaborations with span from individuals and small-scale organizations to state-run and private museums — which together will form a close-knit atmosphere to engage in an entirely novel form of collaboration.
Many of these localities involved in the project situated on the margins of the global economy re-gained a momentum of visibility through geo-political conflicts. Could a new visibility and set of geo-politics create alternatives to our existence, or will it uphold the extractivist capital logic done for so many years by Western European modernity are some of the questions that we try to unpack through research case studies.
The project started in February 2020 just before the pandemic was announced, and since then, we have continued to work, learning how to co-exist under our new living conditions. The current conditions transformed the project into much more than the original plan. It became an examination of our own existence, the way we walk with in the world, how we practice inter-dependence, and stretch existing institutional structures through which we as practitioners navigate.
Throughout the year we have made the research happening through our online journal which follows works and research in progress. This journal has served as a tool in responding to crises within the contexts we are caring with.
Since April 2020 due to pandemic we have employed strategy dig where you stand and we have working with fifteen researchers across Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia, Serbia, Slovenia, and China. The research inquiry has been developed trying to listen local urgencies and learn from them.
They are writers, anthropologists, artists, architects, and activists, and we will continue to work into this year as well. Acknowledging and reflecting on our previous way of working, we have employed a dig where you stand strategy, where a number of case studies had been formulated and from here, local research has been conducted.
This symposium will share thinking with and walking with or partners cells, as well as researchers through six days symposium that will be available through live stream.
A tool kit created together with researchers and cells that would allow for deep listening with all five senses, challenging visual aspects and presence through Zoom.
Researchers and cells were invited to provide tools for listening, seeing, smelling, touching, and tasting that could overcome our physical distance. Pls experience tool kit through: Tool Kit should allow us to grasp physicality of places we will be sharing research from.
本次国际研讨会将通过为期六天的专题讨论,与合作“细胞”们及研究者展开交流,并进行直播。直播将通过由研究者和“细胞”共同创造的工具包进行,工具包提供五种官感深度聆听的体验,包括听觉、视觉、嗅觉、触觉和味觉,以超越我们的物理距离,挑战Zoom平台惯有的视觉和呈现。工具包能使我们体验到将要分享研究之地的物理性质,点击这里 体验。
Program 议程
March 22nd
11am – 13:30 pm CET
Introduction - an introduction to the project and its mode of working during the pandemic as a proposition towards interdependence by Biljana Ciric and Zdenka Badovinac
Screening of the film Awra Amba E(UTOPIA) by Salem Mekuria
About seventy years ago, Zumra Nuru was born into a traditional agrarian Muslim family in a remote village in Northern Ethiopia, near Awra Amba. He never went to school. As a child he started questioning why things were as unequal and unjust as he observed life in his village to be. He dreamt of a society where people could live in peace and full equality regardless of who they were. Fifty years ago, that dream materialized into what is now known as Awra Amba, a community based on true equality in all aspects of life and where religion is a private affair. This story introduces a revolutionary society thriving in the heart of a very conservative Ethiopia. With interviews and compelling scenes of the village and its people, Awra Amba’s (E)utopia will give us a glimpse into their unique lifestyle.
Robel Temesgen
The Addis Newspaper
Marija Glavas
March 23rd
11am – 13:00 pm CET
Disjointed Images from Afar and Fragmented Stories in Proximity
This day of presentations resist the single narrative of transformation that the regions we are engaging with are undergoing and propose to capture and unfold the personal and collective memories we share in our current moment, as well as the path we create for the future.
Moderator: Nikita Choi
Alex Ulko
Seeing the Invisible: Documenting and Interpreting China’s Cultural Presence in Uzbekistan
Hu Yun
Salem Mekuria
Special and Other Memories:Maskal Square’s contribution
March 25th
11am – 13:00 pm CET
Alternatives to new forms of geo-political and economical administration of localities and people: archiving, reacting, creating.
Day three panel will focus on the three study cases: Addis Ababa Riverbank project; Zijin Bor Mining complex and the infrastructure throughout the Balkan region; Lake Balkhash and its geo-political positions and water management.
Local research conducted through the As you go project reveals the complexities of the local context, giving insight to the new positions geographies of the margins can take in this new era unfolding before us.
Moderator: Larys Frogier
Jelica Jovanovic
Infrastructuring the Region. Materiality and Intangibility of the New Silk Road in Serbia
Sinkneh Eshetu, Berhanu, Aziza Abdul Fetah
The Danger of Ambition and Neglect: The Case of Beautifying Sheger Project
Aigerim Kapar
The many secret scapes of Balkhash Lake: a travelogue of the crossboundary contexts, communities and ecosystem
March 26th
11am – 13:00pm CET
Situated Research, Situated Practices
This day of the symposium utilises Donna Haraway’s 1988 essay: Situated knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective as its point of departure. Borrowing from Haraway’s title, this panel will further explore the situatedness within their local contexts and the practices embedded.
Moderator: Aigerim Kapar
Robert Bobnic and Kaja Kraner
Bor is burning: From mining to data mining in socialist Yugoslavia
Yabebal Fantaye
Astrobus-Ethiopia: A dynamic response to fast changing challenges and opportunities
Jasphy Zheng
Stories from the Room
March 30th
11am – 13:00pm CET
The importance of Ports
The panel explores complexities of Maritime Road ancient and current and its narrative created by different agents. The presentations will look at the different ports within in China coastal cities and histories told through museological display of public museums. Presentation by Nielson will look at the Piraeus, Kolkata and Valparaiso ports and its geo-political importance through infrostructure and technology built in period from 2012 to 2017.
Moderator: Sinkneh Eshetu
Nikita Choi
Performativity of a Guarded Globalization - How is the Maritime Silk Road represented in China’s Public Museums?
Brett Neilson
Logistical Worlds, or, Research before the Pandemic
March 31st
11am – 13:00pm CET
How we work together: a round table discussion of partner cells: Zdenka Badovinac, Aigerim Kapar, Robel Temesgen, Sinkneh Eshetu, Biljana Ciric, Dragan Stojmenovic, Nikita Choi
Final last day of symposium will be discussion between partner cells and their modes of working based of interdependence, right to opacity and horizontality.
For full information about the symposium and speaker’s presentations, please visit:
北京时间 18:00-20:30
《Awra Amba E(乌托邦)》
大约七十年前,Zumra Nuru出生在埃塞俄比亚北部靠近Awra Amba的偏远村庄里,一个传统的穆斯林农家,他从未上过学。当他还是个孩子的时候,他观察着村子里的生活,他开始质疑为什么事情是不平等和不公正的,他梦想着一个任何人都可以生活于和平和完全平等的社会。五十年前,这个梦想实现了,变成了现在所知的 Awra Amba,各方面真正平等的社会,宗教是个人的事。这个故事讲述了在非常保守的埃塞俄比亚腹地,一个革命社会的繁荣。通过对这个村庄和村民的采访以及迷人的场景,Awra Amba的(乌)托邦让我们一瞥他们独特的生活方式。
北京时间 18:00-20:00
北京时间 18:00-20:00
由上海外滩美术馆的拉瑞斯·弗洛乔、耶利卡·约万诺维奇和研究小组Artcom、 辛克内·埃什图、 Berhanu和阿齐扎·阿卜杜勒·菲塔共同召集,第三天的话题将集中讨论三个研究案例:紫金波尔矿业集团和整个巴尔干地区的基础设施;巴尔喀什湖及其地缘政治地位和水资源管理;以及亚的斯亚贝巴河岸项目。通过"要旅行,先修路。通往未来的路在你脚下"项目进行的当地研究揭示了当地环境的复杂性,从而深入了解了边缘地区在展现在我们面前的新时期中可以采取的新立场。
野心和忽视的危险:关于舍格尔美化工程(Beautifying Sheger Project)
北京时间 18:00-20:00
由Artcom研究小组的阿加里姆·卡帕主持。以唐娜·哈拉维(Donna Haraway)于1988年撰写的文章《情境化知识:女性主义中的科学问题与局部视角的优势》作为出发点,本次讨论将与罗伯特·波布尼克和卡亚·克雷纳,太空巴士(Astrobus) 和艺术家郑亦然一起,进一步探索他们所在当地的情境和融于其中的实践。
北京时间 18:00-20:00
北京时间 18:00-20:00
How to Attend 参与方式
Click here for live stream.
You can also access the live stream through the following accounts on Youtube/Facebook/Instagram:
WCSCD | Moderna galerija | Artcom platform | Rockbund Art Museum | Times Museum
点击这里 进入研讨会在线直播
WCSCD | Moderna galerija | Artcom platform | Rockbund Art Museum | Times Museum
About “As you go… roads under your feet, towards the new future” 关于“要旅行,先修路。通往未来的路在你脚下”
“As you go…roads under your feet, towards the new future” is initiated and conceived by Biljana Ciric. The inquiry and research cells include What Could Should Curating Do (Belgrade), Moderna galerija (Ljubljana), Rockbund Art Museum (Shanghai), Guangdong Times Museum (Guangzhou), ArtCom (Astana), Robel Temesgen and Sinkneh Eshetu (Addis Ababa), and The Public Library (Bor).
The first stage of the project has been supported by the Foundation for Arts Initiatives, CURTAIN (Rockbund Art Museum), Austrian Cultural Forum, Curatorial Practice (Monash University Art, Design and Architecture), and the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship.
“要旅行,先修路。通往未来的路在你脚下”项目由比利安娜·思瑞克发起和构想。参与的研究“细胞”包括: 教育平台“策展能/该做什么”(贝尔格莱德)、现代艺术画廊(卢布尔雅那)、上海外滩美术馆(上海)、广东时代美术馆(广州)、ArtCom(阿斯塔纳)、博尔公共图书馆(塞尔维亚)、研究员罗贝尔·特梅斯根和辛克·埃谢图(亚的斯亚贝巴)等。
目第一阶段获得纽约艺术计划基金会(Foundation for Arts Initiatives)、“帘幕”(上海外滩美术馆)、奥地利文化中心、策展实践项目(莫纳什大学艺术、设计与建筑学院)和澳大利亚政府研究培训项目奖学金的支持。