Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆
Artist Talk: Urban Fictions 艺术家访谈:建筑代谢
Event Information
About the Speakers 关于讲者
CUI Jie (b. 1983, Shanghai) graduated from the Department of Oil Painting, China Academy of Art. She lives and works in Shanghai. Cui’s practice pays close attention to the development of public space. By applying the two-dimensional language of painting to the study of urban architecture and public sculpture, she endeavors to reflect upon the mechanism and evolution of China’s urbanization process as well as its accompanying influence.
Ying ZHOU is an architect and assistant professor at the Department of Architecture at Hong Kong University. She focuses on the evolution of street space in Shanghai and has published Urban Loopholes - Creative Alliances for Spatial Production in Shanghai’s City Center in 2017. Her research interest on the relationship of contemporary urban developments, the growth of cultural industries/new economies and their institutional frameworks in East Asian cities developed from her work with Kees Christiaanse at the Singapore-ETH Gentre’s Future Cities Lab and with Herzog & de Meuron at the ETH Studio Basel. She has published in Critical Planning, Urban China. Frieze, Leap, and exhibited at the Rotterdam Biennale, Haus der Kunst in Munich, the Swiss Architecture Museum, amongst others. Born in Shanghai, Ying holds a B.S.E. from Princeton, a M.Arch. from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard and a Ph.D from the ETHZ. She practiced and taught in New York, Shanghai, Detroit, Boston, Basel and Hong Kong.
周颖博士是一位建筑师也是香港大学的助理教授。她一直在关注上海建筑街区尺度的城市演变,在2017出版了 《城中之隙:上海城市中心地带空间发展中的创意性合作》的新书。她对文化产业发展和全球化知识交流的研究来源于与和新加坡-苏黎世工大未来城市实验室(FCL) Kees Christiaanse教授的合作及和苏黎世工大巴塞尔工作室(Studio Basel) Herzog & de Meuron教授的合作。周颖生于上海, 有普林斯顿建筑与工程学院本科学位,哈佛大学设计研究生院硕士学位,苏黎世工大博士学位。她在纽约、上海、底特律、波士顿、巴塞尔和香港从事过实践和教学工作。
About the Talk 关于对谈
In conjunction with the exhibition An Opera for Animals, this artist talk features Zhou Yin, professor of architecture department at the Hong Kong University, coming together with artist Cui Jie for an interactive discussion on her previous solo shows and recent artworks. The conversation will focus on how the fast pace of modern life and the large-scale architecture in the cities have transformed people’s perception of space.
Since the Chinese Economic Reform (1978), buildings of different architectural styles have been introduced in China during a period of rapid urbanization and marketization. However, some of the local architects duplicated characteristics with a certain misunderstanding and distortion of the forms that nevertheless eventually make cities look “modern”. Based on her continuous study of the architectural landscape in the three cities in which she has lived (Shanghai, where she was born and grew up; Hangzhou, where she attended the National Art Academy, and Beijing, where she previously lived and worked), her works present architectures and public sculptures that embody a mix of traditions and geometric imaginations of Chinese cityscapes.
In Escape, Cui Jie revisits the structure of the Honglou Hotel in Hangzhou and the traditional crane symbol that recurs in her paintings. The architectural forms that the artist portrays in this work are designed in the Japanese Metabolist style. Mixing amalgamated and superimposed imagery with a modernist imagination of the crane sculpture - a symbol from traditional Chinese imagery- and interjected with abnormal data glitches common in 3D modeling, Cui Jie tries to create an urban Chinese landscape which is at the same time broken and solid.
Cui Jie paints as a resident of the city and as a participant of the contemporary society; while she questions the system of urban planning, she continues researching the relationship between sculpture and city’s architecture.