Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Starting All Over Again 周而复始

Event Information

Date: 28 April 2018
Time: 11:00 12:30
Venue: Rockbund Art Museum
Speaker: Liu Yingjiu, Zhang Ruyi
Language: Chinese


日期: 2018年 4月 28日
时间: 11:00 12:30
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆
主讲人: 刘迎九、张如怡
语言: 中文

About the Event 关于活动

We are honored to invite the artist Zhang Ruyi to have a dialogue with Liu Yingjiu, the deputy director of Rockbund Art Museum. The conversation between the artist and the director will lead us to behind-the-scene stories of the artwork as well as the practice of the artist. Through the discussion based on the artwork, we hope to discuss how daily life and art practice, individual being and the environment he or she is in, human beings and objects confront or merge with each other in the art space.


Caption 关于作品

Decoration: Displacement, 2018, concrete, iron slice, iron wire, steel, resin, floor drain, pigment, ceramic tiles, metal, mirrors, peep hole, dimensions variable.

Courtesy of the artist and Don Gallery.

The artist proceeds with “decoration” this time by incorporating the idea of displacement. It is an attempt to construct a dialogue between individuals and spatial matters like surrounding environments. The articles scattered on the fourth floor resemble “ornaments”. They come from everyday life yet are divorced from all its aspects. The “cabinet” presented on the fifth floor is an overall “reconstruction,” where a narrow space is applied to connect the interior and the exterior of the building, emphasizing their separation and interdependence. The artist employs objects to question objects and spaces to question spaces, thus resisting the order.

张如怡 (1985年出生于中国上海)



About the Speaker 关于讲者

Zhang Ruyi (b. 1985) is an artist currently living and working in Shanghai. She works predominantly in abstract drawing, painting, sculpture and installation. In her practice, sculpture occupies a unique space mediating artifacts, industrial experience and urbanism. Zhang’s work has been presented by Sadie Coles HQ (London, 2017), Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing, 2017), Cass Sculpture Foundation (Chichester, 2016), Sifang Art Museum (Nanjing, 2016), chi K11 art museum (Shanghai, 2016), Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum (Shanghai, 2015), etc. Her solo exhibitions include “Building Opposite Building” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2016), “Pause” (White Space Beijing, Beijing, 2016), “Cut | Off” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2014), etc. Zhang is the recipient of Prix YISHU 8 · Chine 2017 and the participant of the 2017 Glenfiddich Artists in Residence Programme.

Liu Yingjiu is Deputy Director of RAM in charge of the museum’s daily operation and education programmes. He joined the Rockbund Art Museum in 2009 as curator and oversaw the organization of the highly acclaimed opening series of exhibitions in 2010, such as Cai Guo-Qiang: Peasant Da Vincis and 2010 Zeng Fanzhi. Before that, he was the Deputy Director of Curatorial Department at He Xiangning Art Museum in Shenzhen. Holding an MA in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester, Liu Yingjiu has extensive knowledge in contemporary art and museum theories, as well as rich experience in museum administration and project management. He was invited to give lectures at the State Bureau for Cultural Relics, CAFA, and participate in professional exchanges on international and domestic occasions.

张如怡,1985年出生,是一位工作并生活于上海的艺术家。她主要从事抽象绘画、雕塑与装置的创作。在她的实践中,雕塑因调和人工制品、工业经验以及城市生活而占据特殊空间。张如怡的作品曾在赛迪HQ画廊(伦敦,2017年)、尤伦斯当代艺术中心(北京,2017年)、卡斯雕塑基金会(奇切斯特,2016年)、四方当代美术馆(南京,2016年)、chi K11美术馆(上海,2016年)、上海二十一世纪民生美术馆(上海,2015年)等机构展出。她的个展包括“对面的楼与对面的楼”(东画廊,上海,2016年)、“间歇”(空白空间北京,北京,2016年)、“隔 | 断”(东画廊,上海,2014年)等。张如怡在2017年获得艺术8中国青年艺术家奖并参与格兰菲迪艺术家驻村计划。


Walking On The Fade Out Lines 行将消退