Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Repetition and Difference - Armleder's Surge Rehearsal 重复与差异——阿姆莱德的激浪式排演

Event Information

Date: 18 December 2021
Time: 11:00 12:30
Venue: Rockbund Art Museum
Speaker: 鲁明军
Language: Chinese


日期: 2021年 12月 18日
时间: 11:00 12:30
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆
主讲人: Lu Mingjun
语言: 中文

About the Event 关于活动

Since the late 1960s, influenced and inspired by Fluxus and John Cage, Armleder has implemented and participated in a series of radical artistic initiatives and co-founded the Ecart group.

To this day, at an advanced age, Amrads continues to be creative and curious, putting on a unique kind of radical rehearsal through improvised experimentation and action - including collaborations with designers, musicians, architects and other disciplines.

On the surface, repetition and difference in artistic actions and works is often a common symptom and logic of capitalist culture, yet in his case, it reveals an avant-garde character that deviates from and even resists the latter, revealing a long-lost way of art as a life practice.

上世纪60年代末以来,受“激浪派”(Fluxus)和约翰·凯奇的影响和启发,阿姆莱德实施并参与了一系列激进的艺术行动,并作为联合创始人,组建了Ecart 小组。



About the Speaker 关于讲者

Lu Mingjun is a Doctor of History, and an Young Researcher at School of Philosophy of Fudan University. Recent curated exhibitions include “Frontier:Re-assessment of Post-Globalisational Politics”(2017,Shanghai;2018,Beijing),“Assembling”(2018, Shengyang) ,“hic sunt leones”(2019,Wuhan,Beijing),and “River flowing without a Beacon,1979”(2019,Beijing).Recent publications include The Poetry of Gaze: Visual Culture, Art History and Contemporary (2019, Henan University Press) and“Revolution of Art”and Modern China:Radical Origin of Chinese Contemporary Art(2020). Awards:2015 Appointed Artistic Director of Surplus Space Contemporary Art;2015 Awarded the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation China Research Grant;2016 Recipient of the Yishu Award for Writing on Contemporary Chinese Art;2017 Awarded Asia Cultural Council Fellowship. 2017 Recipient of the CCAA Chinese Contemporary Art Critic Award. 2019 Recipient of the AAC Chinese Contemporary Art Curator Award.

鲁明军 历史学博士。复旦大学哲学学院青年研究员。策展人,剩余空间艺术总监。近年策划《疆域:地缘的拓扑》(2017-2018)、《没有航标的河流,1979》(2019)、《街角、广场与蒙太奇》(2019)、《恶是》(2020)、《缪斯、愚公与指南针》(2020)等展览。论文见于《文艺研究》《美术研究》《二十一世紀》等刊物。近著有《目光的诗学:感知—政治—时间》(河南大学出版社,2019)、《美术变革与现代中国:中国当代艺术的激进根源》(2020)等。2015年获得何鸿毅家族基金中华研究奖助金。2016年获得YiShu中国当代艺术写作奖。2017年获得美国亚洲文化协会奖助金(ACC)。同年,获得第6届中国当代艺术评论奖(CCAA)。2019年获得中国当代艺术奖(AAC)年度策展人奖。

John Armleder: Again, Just Again 约翰·阿姆莱德:再,再