Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

When We Can’t Say What It Is - How Trinh T. Minh-ha “Speaking from the Sidelines” Empowers Women’s Creation 当我们无法直言其是——郑明河的“在旁言说”如何为女性创作赋能

Event Information

Date: 4 February 2023
Time: 06:00 07:30
Venue: 2F, Rockbund Art Museum
Speaker: Nikita Yingqian Cai
Language: Chinese


日期: 2023年 2月 4日
时间: 06:00 07:30
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆 2楼
主讲人: 蔡影茜
语言: 中文

About the Event 关于活动

When Trinh T. Minh-ha published her significant text Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism in 1989, some of the turbulent and transformative events of the world’s recent history were yet to happen, such as the end of the Cold War, the so-called East Asian Miracle, and the aggressive global expansion of identitarianism. But Minh-ha had already proposed a non-dualistic affirmation of women by stating: “The idea of two illusorily separated identities, one ethnic, the other woman (or more precisely female), again, partakes in the Euro-American system of dualistic reasoning and its age-old divide-and-conquer tactics.” Before that she had explored and demonstrated a possible position for female creators in her film Reassemblage (1982): “I do not intend to speak about; just speak nearby.” The videos, images and texts featured in Traveling in the Dark at RAM offer audience an opportunity to gain insights into“speaking nearby” and how this approach runs through Trinh T. Minh-ha’s diverse practices.

Inspired by Trinh T. Minh-ha’s belief in the empowerment of writing and storytelling, Nikita Yingqian Cai curated an exhibition entitled Neither Black/Red/Yellow NorWoman in 2019 (Times Art Center, Berlin). Delving into her own multiple identities as reader, viewer, creator and woman, she revisited, conceptually, works and archives of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1951–1982), Pan Yuliang (1895–1977), and Trinh T. Minh-ha (b. 1952), which unfolded mesmerizing star charts featuring a mixture of historic memories and imagination. She attempted to integrate the voices and narratives of these Asian woman artists into the exhibition by applying “speaking nearby” into her curatorial practice – a testimony and response to “speaking nearby”.

The lecture will begin with the speaker reading curatorial statements from her previous practices, presenting texts, videos by different woman artists as well as monologues in Trinh T. Minh-ha’s films. Together with the audience, the speaker will try to transcend differences lying in cultures, geopolitics and historical contexts to approach the subjects living on the margins and in silence. Speaking from her curatorial practices, the speaker will show how “speaking nearby” has empoweredwomen’s creative practices; and in particular, how it has inspired her own curatorial practices and writings. We hope the lecture will also offer inspiration for audience and, despite the possibly different perspectives and stances, enable them to find the same sense of “empowerment” and “inspiration” on subjects they are interested in





About the Speaker 关于讲者

Nikita Yingqian Cai is the Deputy Director and Chief Curator at Times Museum in Guangdong, China. Her curatorial projects include: Times Heterotopia Trilogy (2011, 2014, 2017), a series of first museum exhibitions in China of artists on the rise such as Roman Ondák, Zhou Tao and Candice Lin, Big Tail Elephants: One Hour, No Room,Five Shows (2016) , Pan Yuliang: A Journey to Silence (Villa Vassilieff in Paris and Guangdong Times Museum, 2017), Neither Black/Red/Yellow Nor Woman (Times Art Center Belin, 2019). She is a contributing writer to a variety art magazines and sites. She runs the Para-curatorial series and the research network of “All the Way South”, and is the co-editor of On Our Times and the podcast host of “Rolling Congee”. She was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship in 2019.


她的大量写作见于各类艺术媒体及出版物,也是泛策展系列和“一路向南”驻地研究网络的发起者,电子期刊On Our Times的主编及“生滚粥”主播,并于2019年获得亚洲文化协会的研究奖学金。

Trinh T. Minh-ha: Traveling in the Dark 郑明河:暗游