Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Walking on the Edge of Documentaries 行走在纪录片的边缘

Event Information

Date: 24 December 2022
Time: 10:00 12:00
Venue: Rockbund Art Museum
Speaker: Nie Xinru
Language: Chinese


日期: 2022年 12月 24日
时间: 10:00 12:00
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆
主讲人: 聂欣如
语言: Chinese

As a film director, poet, writer and theorist, artist Zheng Minghe has always been sceptical of the academic term 'discipline' and has used film to discuss and explore the boundaries of different genres and disciplines. After experimenting with documentary, science fiction, experimental and educational films, although she herself does not think of film in terms of categories, documentary has become a particularly interesting object to explore in her long-term artistic practice. Initially not considered a documentary by the documentary community, her films are now often labelled as 'documentary', while at the same time she is considered to have made an 'anti-documentary' practice.

Beginning with her first film Reorganisation (1982), Zheng separated sound from image and shot in a 'near-speech' style, allowing the filmmaker, the subject and the viewer to come and go as they pleased; later, Life is Round (1985) challenged the conventions of filmmaking with its non-linear structure; and Viet Nam ( (1989) is a masterpiece of the reflexive documentary, which also reveals and reflects on the fictional nature of the documentary. So, does "near-speech" mean complete objectivity? Is there a true and pure truth?

In this film review session, we have invited Professor Nie Xinru, a renowned expert in documentary film in China, to present the video work "What about China? (18:00-20:15), he will discuss the fundamental issues surrounding Zheng Minghe's "What About China" and some other works. The title of the review is a reference to the topic of "documentary margins", which means that the review is an "adventure" into the wilderness: the speaker will use Zheng Minghe's work as a guide, and then refer to the work of Luc Besson The speaker will use the work of Zheng Minghe as a guide, then refer to the work of Luc Besson and others, and take the audience on a journey into the genre and aesthetic theory of the documentary. As we move between theory and practice, and as we explore the nature and development of documentary film in the light of Zheng Minghe's work, the speakers will also discuss: does the existence of documentary images mean that there is a documentary? Who narrates the first-person narrative, the director? Why has Jung Myung-Ha's work attracted such strong attention in China? ...... is looking forward to bringing the audience a "darker" and more enlightened view of documentary film.




About the Event 关于活动

As a film director, poet, writer and theorist, artist Zheng Minghe has always been sceptical of the academic term 'discipline' and has used film to discuss and explore the boundaries of different genres and disciplines. After experimenting with documentary, science fiction, experimental and educational films, although she herself does not think of film in terms of categories, documentary has become a particularly interesting object to explore in her long-term artistic practice. Initially not considered a documentary by the documentary community, her films are now often labelled as 'documentary', while at the same time she is considered to have made an 'anti-documentary' practice.

Beginning with her first film Reorganisation (1982), Zheng separated sound from image and shot in a 'near-speech' style, allowing the filmmaker, the subject and the viewer to come and go as they pleased; later, Life is Round (1985) challenged the conventions of filmmaking with its non-linear structure; and Viet Nam ( (1989) is a masterpiece of the reflexive documentary, which also reveals and reflects on the fictional nature of the documentary. So, does "near-speech" mean complete objectivity? Is there a true and pure truth?

In this film review session, we have invited Professor Nie Xinru, a renowned expert in documentary film in China, to present the video work "What about China? (18:00-20:15), he will discuss the fundamental issues surrounding Zheng Minghe's "What About China" and some other works. The title of the review is a reference to the topic of "documentary margins", which means that the review is an "adventure" into the wilderness: the speaker will use Zheng Minghe's work as a guide, and then refer to the work of Luc Besson The speaker will use the work of Zheng Minghe as a guide, then refer to the work of Luc Besson and others, and take the audience on a journey into the genre and aesthetic theory of the documentary. As we move between theory and practice, and as we explore the nature and development of documentary film in the light of Zheng Minghe's work, the speakers will also discuss: does the existence of documentary images mean that there is a documentary? Who narrates the first-person narrative, the director? Why has Jung Myung-Ha's work attracted such strong attention in China? ...... is looking forward to bringing the audience a "darker" and more enlightened view of documentary film.




About the Speaker 关于讲者

Nie Xinru, male, is a professor at East China Normal University. He has published books such as A Study of Documentary Master Evans, Documentary Studies and Introduction to Documentary, and has given courses on documentary theory and production. His documentary work The Dance of the Red Guards has been exhibited and shortlisted for competition in many overseas film festivals.


Trinh T. Minh-ha: Traveling in the Dark 郑明河:暗游