Rockbund Art Museum 上海外滩美术馆

Playback Theatre: Anima 一人一故事剧场体验:灵/阿尼玛

Event Information

Date: 20 August 2022
Time: 11:00 13:00
Venue: Rockbund Art Museum


日期: 2022年 8月 20日
时间: 11:00 13:00
场馆: 上海外滩美术馆

About Workshop 关于工作坊

Searching for roots is an eternal theme for human beings. And roots mean more than hometown from childhood, first line in the genealogy or origin of pedigree. The meaning of "root" goes beyond one's place of birth, family, nationality or even rationality. It's a quest into life. "Root" is the anima of ourselves, the origin of energy.

Novalis said "Philosophy is really homesickness, it is the urge to be at home everywhere. (John Berger)". And Chinese poet and philosopher of Song Dynasty Su Zhe once expressed in a poem that "Where your heart settles, there is your hometown". Chinese and western philosophers seem to have reached certain consensus: hometown is the place for the mind to find peace and dwell on. In this digital era, people are becoming increasingly dependent on cyberspace, and fragmented information constantly divides and fills our life. When "metaverse" is actively creating existence beyond the physical universe, it becomes harder for us to spend some quiet and meditative time with ourselves for even two hours. In a way, we have become the eternal stranger to ourselves.

Anima is the Latin word for the soul and life energy that radiates from any living being. It represents the root of the substance, the very truth of the inner mind. Adel Abdessemed lives a turbulent journey of life since he was young, which in turn gives him profound insights into this theme. The invincible energy of the living being runs through almost all of his works. For this exhibition, we invite you to try to abandon some of your rationality and to look at, to listen to, and to face your feelings in the exhibition. Moreover, we incorporate a variety of media and forms in the educational programs in the hope to further the exploration into this topic for the audience.

In collaboration with La Strada Theatre, RAM presents the "Playback Theatre" workshop. Playback Theatre emerged in the USA in the 1970s during the experimental theatre movement. Drawing on body movements, instruments, music, poetry and narrative, actors and actresses will perform improvisationally the stories spontaneously shared by the audiences. It is a highly interactive theatre form that integrates listening, mutual respect, expression and dialogue.

Under the theme of "Anima", the workshop encourages people to share and explore life stories about "root", "soul" and dwelling for the mind. Participants are expected to open up their senses to feel the exhibition, the space and the people. Then, after a brief icebreaking session, the instructor would lead participants to do some warm-up exercises for the body and the voice and learn how to express and unleash creativity and feelings. Finally, participants will be divided into groups to share their life stories. And another participant from the same group will perform the story in the form of "Playback Theatre". The performance could either be body movements, a poem, a monologue, a melody, or a self-related installation made of instruments. It could represent a scene from the past, an object that has been carefully cherished or a feeling that has been inspired upon the sight of the exhibition. During the process of sharing, listening and creating together, personal stories and emotions are re-interpreted and presented in the form of spontaneous theatre play. Theatre and art open up an access for one to explore the depth of the mind as well as a homeward journey of the soul.




此次,RAM选择与大路剧团合作,举办"一人一故事剧场"(Playback Theatre)的工作坊。这是一种于20 世纪 70 年代末在美国实验剧场运动中兴起的演出方式,演员即兴运用形体动作、工具装置、音乐、诗歌或叙事演绎观众即时分享的故事,以结合了聆听、尊重、表达、对话的互动即兴剧场形式传播于世界。


About the Instructor 关于导师

Shi Yuting

Founder, head and artistic director of La Strada Theatre. Founder of La Strada Children's Experimental Theatre. Playback Theatre worker, drama producer, director, actress. Led the daily training and performance of La Strada Theatre, and served as a navigator for three years. Now focusing on the "artistic" in-depth exploration and local development of playback theater.




《我和你的距离》表演工作室✖️飞行家身体剧场 制作人

Adel Abdessemed: An Imperial Message 阿岱尔•阿德斯梅:御旨